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Because that was well said.


Because that was well said. cheers

(post is archived)

[–] 0 pt 3y

Money is a medium of exchange for resources. Fiat currency is a lie, but under normal circumstances money is what's used to buy or value productive resources.

>Capitalism is economic free range humans. Anything especially theft that bankers employ through the fed is not. >Capitalism is the absence of any system.

Clockwork. "True capitalism has never been tried."

Free markets exist within areas protected by the rest of society. They're only free because they're kept free by the guns of soldiers and cops (or better yet, posse's). The moment that protection isn't there, you have situations like New York and San Francisco where shops are closing up because they're getting robbed constantly.

Leaders of big businesses used their wealth to put in place most of what's rotted society today. Public schooling, the monopolistic healthcare system, government bureaucracies, the birth control pill, the Council on Foreign Relations, all were funded and propped up by trusts like the Rockefeller Foundation. Using their money for social engineering has been their top priority since they got to the top. Just try to find a fortune 500 company today without a fag flag.