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[–] 14 pts 3y

Arent almost all of the stories fabricated?

[–] 8 pts 3y

Yep think of how fake these must be for the kikes and the kuchs to call BS

[–] 6 pts 3y

This is significant because when you want to have an academic debate, or if there is an audience that's invited to ask questions at a speaking event for someone (selling a book), there is an aura of 'you have to respect everything I say" if they can whip out the 'my relatives' stories. The audience for such an event will be hostile to anyone non-Jewish asking questions that challenge the historian and the Hollywood narrative of the holocaust.

[–] 3 pts 3y

But Hingst also slightly changed the name of her great-grandfather from Josef Karl Brandl to 'Jakob Brandel' and said he was murdered along with his wife and children in Auschwitz in 1942.

Imagine writing that your great grandfather, his wife and their children (at least one of your grandparents, before they had children), were murdered and not having your mind collapse in on itself. This crazy bitch might as well have said that her parent's were murdered as babies. Yet, people believe this shit.

[–] 2 pts 3y

Of course they are. If they weren't they mostly be stories of family members dying of typhus, cholera, or malnutrition - and there would only be about 350,000 stories. How could that comparably small number possibly compete with 77 million Europeans murdered by bankers' wars? Hence the horror stories to keep anyone from looking at the horrific truth.

[–] 9 pts 3y

Lemme guess, lampshades, soap, and masturbation machines.

[–] 8 pts 3y

Don’t forget the shotgun barrel bent through the wall back at the shooter.

[–] 2 pts 3y

Or the Holocoaster.

[–] 4 pts 3y

There's also the old man who completely made up a story about escaping from Auschwitz.


There's the story about the nazis keeping a cage with a bear and an eagle. Each day the nazis would supposedly put a jew in there for the bear to devour him and for the eagle to pick the bones.


Then there's the story of a man whose mother gave birth to him at the bottom of a gas chamber (scroll all the way down for a description of the author).


There's also the story about nazi soldiers putting jew infants in soccer balls and kicking them around.


[–] 1 pt 3y

That one was a joke meme, for anyone who doesn't know. But it's hard to tell it from the rest because they're all so absurd.

[–] 0 pt 3y

Are you serious?

I actually thought that was a “true” accounting from someone. Clown world

[–] [deleted] 2 pts 3y (edited 3y)

Stop trying to minimize the suffering of my people. I personally had 6 million relatives die in the most horrific ways. Some were tickled to death. Some were put on giant sling shots and flung into the sun. Some were taken to the edges of the earth and dropped into space. Some were given tweezers and made to move entire mountains from one place to another over and over without sleep, food, or water until exhaustion finally overcame them. Some had to eat non kosher bacon!

The horrors were unending.

[–] [deleted] 2 pts 3y

Don’t forget the guy who had to roll a boulder up a hill, FOREVER!

[–] 1 pt 3y

When is he expecting to be done?

[–] [deleted] 1 pt 3y

Oy vey! I almost forgot that my great uncle had to do that!

[–] 7 pts 3y

Can that mole rat fat fucking need kike look any more jew and guilty!

[–] 7 pts 3y

Word games: "After she was accused" or "After she was found to have lied"?

[–] 5 pts 3y

They've been milking this for 70 years.

[–] 5 pts 3y

Nope. The first mention of the Holocaust in any sense was a fictional movie starring Meryl Streep which was released in 1978. No history books, newspapers, movies or TV, encyclopedias or dictionaries, and no political literature or speeches or resolutions or laws. Nothing. It did not exist until a Hollywood movie from 1978 claimed it had.

[–] 1 pt 3y


The word never ever meant anything jewy.

[–] 5 pts 3y

Yet the ann frank fairy tale lives on!

[–] 3 pts 3y

And the stories made the Amazon Top Sellers list for the 6 gorrilionith time!

[–] 3 pts 3y


[–] 1 pt 3y


[–] 2 pts 3y

This blood libel.against whites.

[–] 2 pts 3y

You would think that with 6 million dead, they would not need to invent stories of death. I mean there had to be at least one drowning in the camp swimming pool.

[–] 2 pts 3y

There is no historical, political, or social mention of the so-called Holocaust in any media, from newspapers to movies to books, including encyclopedias and dictionaries, until after the 1978 release of a movie starring Meryl Streep called The Holocaust. Why is that?

[–] 0 pt 3y

What about Hitchcock propaganda?

[–] [deleted] 0 pt 3y

Did Hitchcock point blank mention the holocaust in his propaganda films in England?

[–] 0 pt 3y

Not sure man. I wonder if it's a bad angle for easy attack though. Certainly amplified over time

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