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[–] 1 pt 3y (edited 3y)

So everybody should continue to kiss brown "people's" asses, give them whatever they want (free money, free housing, free education(which none of they want), let them break whatever laws they want), because their excuse is they're "low IQ simians"?

What about those who are "classified" as retarded? They don't get to break the law, they don't get anythng for free - what about them?

So we should just keep giving brown "people" a pass? FUCK THAT! FUCK BROWN "PEOPLE"!

That's the fucking problem - bleeding heart fools like you put the 'pathetic' in "empathetic". If brown "people" are so fucking "retarded" then lock them up in institutions for their own safety and the safety of others.

That's what they do with the ACTUAL RETARDED, especially if they went around shooting cops at random, punching people at random, rioting and comitting ARSON.

Are you saying that you're so ignorant that you actually "feel" sorry for these ANIMALS?!?!

[–] 1 pt 3y

Did you even read my comment?

I said niggers need to be segregated away from people.

[–] 1 pt 3y

He said no such thing. Stop reinterpreting what he said and putting words in his mouth like a jew.

[–] -1 pt 3y

He started one of his sentences with "It’s not a niggers fault per se..." - who sounds like a fucking jew?

Then there's "Jew on the other hand are smart..." - again, who sounds like a fucking jew?

Jews ARE smart, smart enough to know that you stupid assholes will continue to allow brown "people" get away with whatever they want because none of you want to be called "racist", because that's the kind of PUSSIES you are.

Feckless, spineless, pussies.