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[–] 19 pts 3y

This is more destructive than some of you guys realize. It’s not just that we scientifically undermine decisions with regards to race, It is that we undermined the entire scientific process.

In the field of genetics if we imagine that intelligence is not linked to the genes, Then we have established a scientific untruth that is going to mislead us in unrelated fields.

Imagine if you will that we decided that 7+7 = 15. Every other part of mathematics stayed constant but whenever 7 was added to 7 we said it was 15. Now suddenly everything that we calculate is at a risk of falling apart. Spectrometers cant be calibrated, physics would lose precision and many fields predictive abilities would fall apart all because one combination of numbers was deliberately obfuscated. That’s precisely what happens in biology and genetics when we ignore simple scientific facts.

[–] [deleted] 7 pts 3y

Ignoring fact is what makes normies be normies. They will scream "TRUST THE SCIENCE!" if you mention covid death rates, holohoax facts, or race realism. It's easier to "trust the plan" than to think critically for oneself.

[–] 2 pts 3y

Normies want niceness at the expense of truth. Alot of us knew the truth all along but we didn’t want to make a big deal of the fact that blacks were more criminal and stupid than whites, that jews were more immoral and communist, that gays were mentally unstable and perverted beyond just liking the wrong sex.

And here we are. Time to tell unconfortable truths.

[–] 4 pts 3y

Oh dude, you are totally right. I just finished watching Men in Black 3 again and now noticed how DEEP and HOW FAR BACK the SJW thing goes. The amount of miscagenation + historical revisionism in this movie is astounding at the level that you can ONLY explain it by imagining the DEEP DEEP DEEP HATRED THE WRITERS HAVE FOR WHITE PEOPLE.

You are saying we are losing ground because we are allowing our people to lose access to scientifically verifiable facts, that is happening as we speak, I agree.

Do you realize that we have ALREADY LOST OUR HISTORY TO OUR ENEMIES? Our enemies totally and absolutely control how our children view our history. And, as you know, those that control the present, control the past end up controlling the future.

Holy fuck. It is one thing to wake up with all of the history we have all re-descovered. It is quite another to be watching a movie AWAKE and being able to practially smell the smiling jew on the other side of the script smiling at me through the screen knowing I cannot do anything about a piece of propaganda that has been filmed, put in front of our children and hypnotized them.

Watch Men in Black 3 and put your statement together with the history statement.

That's okay. We see the truth. We know how these mother fuckers operate. We are retaking our civilization back.

[–] 3 pts 3y

Do you realize that we have ALREADY LOST OUR HISTORY TO OUR ENEMIES? Our enemies totally and absolutely control how our children view our history. And, as you know, those that control the present, control the past end up controlling the future.

Only if you do not actively participate in the upbringing of your kids and let them take bolshevik poison without antidote. My kids always ask me questions about things they're learning and I never tell them the main stream truth. I tell them what we're being told but have them observe for themselves the truth of the world.

We have non-white friends. Where we are in the states, it is inevitable. But they have seen and understand that their little black friends are prone to loud noises, violence, and can't play games well because it takes longer to learn the game than they have fun playing it. They see this. So when they see black spiderman or catwoman, they don't understand how that is possible.

"It's not possible, kids, the people who made the cartoon want to make those people feel better about themselves, that's all. Let's watch something else, shall we?"

[–] 2 pts 3y

Amazing. You are doing a great job, I would love to read more tips and tales of how you raise and lead your family.

[–] 1 pt 3y

Seconding this. If one is an idle parent then yeah, they'll be brainwashed by the swill that exists. We're not idle parents and we demand our children think critically.

[–] [deleted] 1 pt 3y

I'm thinking of the claim that ancient artefacts which Germany uncovered and took home, were destroyed by the "allies"

It definitely would make sense

[–] 0 pt 3y

Anyone that uses the word "problematic" unironically is trying to undermine the West.

[–] 6 pts 3y

stood still and seemed deeply uncomfortable

Could it be that they were shocked at how ugly they are?

[–] 6 pts 3y

I think they were just observing rule 1. Don't relax around blacks.

[–] [deleted] 5 pts 3y

Don’t know if you’re joking but I was thinking the same thing. I recall another study also involving black infants and children and how they always play with the white dolls over the black dolls.

[–] 2 pts 3y

The reason I was thinking is that there was recently a video with a black girl looks at herself in the mirror says 'I'm so ugly' and starts crying.

[–] 2 pts 3y

The intense hatred for white women comes from the impossible attainability for the African female to ever , in spite of any effort or accumulation ever be as beautiful as the beauty of the Aryan woman. It might in fact be a cornerstone to their dismissal to aspire to keep a community. Why have a beautiful community when it will never compliment you.

[–] 4 pts 3y

Actually ill bet they were lacking empathy.

[–] 3 pts 3y

The entire field of psychogenetics is being actively undermined and research is being intentionally prevented in order to further the agenda that there are no racial differences in intelligence and personality.

The idea goes like this: race isn't real, because there are no studies that prove race differences, and there are no studies that prove this because we prevent this research from being done.

[–] 1 pt 3y

Watch these anti Christian atheists are going to become the very thing they hate and start burning people for blasphemy and locking people up for doing science once they outlaw it. Which they're already working toward mind you. I hate people.

[–] 2 pts 3y

Without doxxing myself too much, this is a field I am very much invested in, and I have already seen this happen, such as with Dr. Richard Lynn and Dr. Edward Dutton. I was literally warned that if I do decide to pursue this path, I will never be able to lead a normal life, and that they will never stop trying to discredit my life's work. No matter though, I feel it is my duty, and that this is the least that I can do for this goddamn, damned, self-hating, ungrateful race.

[–] 3 pts 3y

See this is why we need even just a single squad of good Men. I'm not asking much, I'm just talking six or seven. A team focused on hiding their identity who are physically fit, knows security procedures (preferably veterans like myself), someone who can get them dox, who proceed to make the lives of anyone who targets our intellectuals miserable. Someone who sends a message and strikes fear even to the point of driving them out of town. The voices of our people have to be protected from silencing. I'll stop there.

[–] 2 pts 3y

This is where you work towards being bulletproof financially, so that even if you lose your job, you can stick up your middle finger and say "Joke's on you, you can't do shit against me, and I won't stop telling the truth".

[–] 1 pt 3y

I'm just imagining some little niglet trying to grab their crack-pipe pacifer from themselves in the mirror.

[–] 1 pt 3y

A 6 year old nigger you can pretty much kick in the jaw when he tries to rob you, but this research should lead to an urban fashion revolution. I can't wait to buy a mirror suit so I can go shopping for some of dat spicy chicken up dere in Harlem. ...nigger pulls a gun, sees himself... runs away.

[–] 1 pt 3y

Commie faggots.

[–] 1 pt 3y

Lol fuck I just looked the article up and the mental gymnastics are breathtaking

[–] 1 pt 3y

I fucking hate that guy. They weren't, aren't and will never be like us. We did not come from black Africans. We are different creatures. "mUh PrObLeMaTiC rEaLiTy!!" God that fucking makes me rage beyond...

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