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[–] [deleted] 0 pt 3y (edited 3y)

And none of the reporters who were there, and there would be between 20 and 100, have said anything about it? They could literally make their career by coming forward. Would be their dream come true, and remember that many of them actually hate Biden, it would be their dream come true and they would make millions of dollars as one of the most famous journalist of all time, but none of them are coming forward. We believe that these money grubbing motherfuckers are going to keep quiet.

And if this event never took place and there were no reporters there, again, between 20 and 100 reporters who are supposed to be in the White House pool would know this. There is a reason these people get the Presidents schedule weeks in advance and why they were always reporters in cameras every single time the president goes anywhere. If this event was staged, and therefore off schedule, somewhere around 1000 people would know this and have stone cold proof of it. Their cameramen, their producers, their directors, the editors, you’re going to get somewhere around 1000 people who absolutely know beyond a shadow of a doubt that this event either never took place or was fake, and all of them have conspired to keep their mouths shut.

[–] 1 pt 3y

There were no reporters there.

[–] 0 pt 3y

And none of the reporters who were there, and there would be between 20 and 100, have said anything about it? They could literally make their career by coming forward.

100 lying presstitutes lying? Easy to believe, just look at how fake their new is.

Exposing Biden would unmake their careers.

[–] 0 pt 3y

Not if they don’t want to be suicided