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[–] 0 pt 3y

I thought it was fake at first but given the two angles it's almost certainly real. That one mic guy really did shove the black one under his hands at first. Clinging to this as a fake is just more Hopium for qtards. There are plenty of factual things to spend our time focusing on, This isn't one of them. Let it go.

[–] 5 pts 3y

Are you retarded or do you have an explanation why the video defies the laws of physics (optics)?

[–] 2 pts 3y

This video makes sense of it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w_QQ2xj-nwQ

It definitely looked like a smaller, blurrier microphone in the first video, but no it's just senile Joe bumping into boom mics and not having any spacial awareness about his hands going in front and behind them. Surprising that he didn't knock more mics around.

[–] 1 pt 3y

Thanks, this clarifies everything the two-shot video from a day ago revealed.

Things like this show how some people here are either shills (easy to believe) or so desperate for some dirt that they latch on to something like this and won't let go, even when it becomes absurd. It's a shame because there is plenty of legitimate stuff to focus on. I think videos like this are pretty revealing of people on the right.

[–] 0 pt 3y

I'm still not sold but thanks for the video.

[–] 2 pts 3y

the retardation is strong in this one. We may have to kill it

[–] 1 pt 3y

And the obvious green-screen 'fuzz' is just camera lens, right?

[–] 0 pt 3y

Well the fuzz that surrounds the mics would be possible from video compression since the mic is a really "random" image in the video. It's how compression formats save file space.

But I am still willing to believe