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[–] [deleted] -4 pt 3y (edited 3y)

This isn’t all that unusual, it just isn’t. It’s, not really, but sort of an optical illusion. There is another word for it, but it’s basically foreground and background confusion. Ask people that shoot film and digital for a living. They will tell you.

And what would the purpose be in faking this anyway? What did they get out of this? What big win did they get by faking this? They are risking everything, leverything, and would need at least - I mean under selling it here - 1000 people to be in on it. Between the 20 or 100 reporters in the White House press pool to the cameraman, sound, editors, directors, producers, and any adjacent coworkers, there would least be 1000 people who know for a fact that this video is fake or the event never took place. And they would have career-making proof of it, they would be the new Woodward and Bernstein, would be famous for the rest of their lives which is all they really want, but they’re going to keep their mouth shut for a president that at least 30% of them hate with a passion.

So the deep state would risk everything, all their best laid plans, everything they’ve put into faking the election installing this puppet, they’re going to risk all of itFor this? For that video. That video is so important, Pedo Joe mumbling a dumb answer to some idiot reporters is worth that risk?

I honestly don’t know what to say at this point, when we have this many people who are this willfully and gleefully stupid to believe the most retarded conspiracy bullshit that I’ve ever seen in my entire life. Liberals are pounding us so hard for everyone right of center is getting so desperate to latch onto anything they can believe in. It’s embarrassing that adults behave like this.

This is bought into by the same people who thought he would never get inaugurated, and then when he did, he would get arrested, or that he was a clone, and that Hillary was arrested last week, by people who think he was signing executive orders that were fake because the angle and lightning made them look blank, because they couldn’t just print a fake one and have him sign it in front of fucking cameras, motherfucking cameras, you fucking idiots, and they’re going to have him sign a blank paper in front of cameras.

It would literally take 30 seconds just to print a fake one! They have printers!

And why would he need to do this on a movie soundstage like so many people said when he actually had access to the real White House? He can go into the real White House anytime he wants, but no, he’s going to go on a movie soundstage.


No wonder we are getting our asses kicked on absolutely everything. The people on our side are legitimate paranoid schizophrenics who believe whatever unbelievable bullshit they are fed by liars and people who have a lack of understanding of facts and logic.

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[–] 9 pts 3y

You can go fuck off now. We saw what we saw.

[–] -1 pt 3y

You can go fuck off now. We saw what we saw.

And the Earth looks flat too, hence it must be flat. Checkmate, sciencetards!

[–] 0 pt 3y

A very stupid analogy. BTW, the earth doesn't look flat at all.

[–] 2 pts 3y

thats part of their plan. They revel in rubbing our stupid complacent noses in it jew.

[–] 1 pt 3y

I was going to retort in kind with a whole bunch of logical reasons why you are absolutely full of shit and are obviously suffering from Media induced delusions and a severe case of jewish cognitive dissonance. Then I realized that you're one of those useful idiots who combine things like "flat earth" and "space ain't real, yo" with OBVIOUS fuckery but then go on to accuse Q-Anon (which is 100% unrelated to this) of conspiracy idiocy. It is CGI. Why? Who knows. The fact is, this is faked for one reason or another.



Why is DC still under lock and key?

[–] 1 pt 3y

See guys, totally deboonked. It's just an optical illusion, just ask anyone! Well not just anyone, you can't believe someone that says it's not an optical illusion; they're just QAnon conspiracy theorists.

Also, did you see see all of the people in the fake totally not fake video? All of those fake not fake people would all have to be in on it.

You guys are so dumb, there are plenty of videos that show a massive microphone in between a person's hands who is 5+ feet away from the camera. This happens all the time!

-Blue Anon conspiracy theorist professional deboonker /u/QisAfraud

[–] 0 pt 3y

Didn't think the shills would be fucking stupid enough to defend this one. Well now we know what you do for a living Glowie Glowenstein