White Flight is the only movement that gets momentum.
It sure as fuck does. But, white flight under the thumb of the bankers will never win. We're paying taxes to support assholes we hate, fund wars we want no part in, and feed and house lazy fucktards too stupid to operate a mop. The worst part is we're funding our own control. We're paying the king to terrorize us peasants. 40+ million Americans lost their jobs last year to made up cooties, while billionaires took in another trillion and the government and others lined their pockets with bail out money. Paid by us.
>white flight will never win
Who didn't already know this? Whites are capable of creating civilization in a large variety of terrain. It's only a matter of time until that town reaches critical mass for section 8 diversity and the White Flight cycle repeats itself.
I didn't say that. I said...
white flight under the thumb of the bankers will never win.
It doesn't work if it's controlled by bakers. They'll just boom up the economy, let you build and build. Then they steal all those houses and businesses when they decide to bust the economy with some BS like terrorism or the corona cooties. Or, they'll just adjust interest rates. Simple as that.
(post is archived)