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Act now or pay later. Take back America. Maybe start a new country like the last gents living under tyranny. Start using non-fed money and take their power. Just do SOMETHING. They don't give a shit. Anyone, not awake now is lost for good. The info war is over. You're just wasting your time.

Act now or pay later. Take back America. Maybe start a new country like the last gents living under tyranny. Start using non-fed money and take their power. Just do SOMETHING. They don't give a shit. Anyone, not awake now is lost for good. The info war is over. You're just wasting your time.

(post is archived)

[–] 1 pt 4y

Basically, what the Boers did was hand over the government to Joggers and then got all Kum By Ya sentimental thinking they'd all live happily ever after. More apes moved in and crime soared to unimaginable levels while the farmers retreated to the farm life thinking they'd be forgotten about. Blacks realized that with their own in power they could get away with murder so that's what they did. Meanwhile whites are still singing Kum Bi Ya while blacks are singing, "Kill the Whites". Literally. Some farmers have banded together to train in self defense but really, they should be going on the offensive with massive reprisals anytime one of them is killed or even touched.

[+] [deleted] 1 pt 4y