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[–] 4 pts 4y (edited 4y)

The problem is complicated

1) nigs are R selected and can breed quickly through their breedong practices of temporary mates and impregnating many females at once, while the women get pregnant nearly as soon as they have shit a kid out. One sow can have as many as 10 niglets through her fertile years.

2) Whites are K Selected and employ the nuclear family strategy in which one man and one woman mate for life and only have children with each other. On average they have 2-4 kids per family.

So you see, abortion hurts whites much more disproportionately

The problem arises when you start FEEDING the nigs, then you have a stray cats situation. 2 becomes 6 becomes 12 and before you know it they are forming colonies mooching off the free food given by altruistic animal lovers. They don't understand or see first hand the damage these creatures do and just feel sorry that they are starving. If we really cared we would spay the niggersows outright to keep their numbers down, but apparently these things have human rights. Whatever, just give niggers the Covid shot. Should sort itself out