In general intelligence is key when it comes to someone’s success in life. If someone is born retarded, they aren’t going to go as far as someone who is of a superior intellect. Obviously smart people do get shot by less intelligent people but ‘in general’ we see that intelligence determines success in life
Superior intellect isn't what makes cartels successful in mexico
So successful they've taken over their own country
Duterte isn't super bright, but he prevented his country from turning mexico
Let that sink in
You'll go nowhere with just an army of generals with superior intelligence, that's why there are much less generals than foot soldiers in any given army
The ((cia)) helps cartels
And the smarter your army the better you will do
And? That's supposed to be an excuse for?
>In general intelligence is key when it comes to someone’s success in life.
What life? When and where?
Again, consider the fucking context, the world isn't just a western safe space since forever
Even in less developed countries smart people are able to make more rational decisions and aren’t as likely to commit crimes. Crime is linked to intelligence
Tell that to cartels in mexico lol
You can ask nancy too, she casually works for them
Which is probably why the simpleton is upset in the first place.
Even if the truth fucked you in the eyes you would still fail to see it, kid
Lol you say that but your loss of temper in exactly the ways i expect based on my statements suggests that youre a vietnam vet stuck in some tough guy fantasy world where that hell you faced has any relevance at all on the way combat is going to be done going forward and you lost a couple of useful niggers to slope eyed gooks and now think theyre all worthwhile.
Oh perhaps not based on your other statement just now. Maybe just an ugly kike.
(post is archived)