Intelligence is the greatest determinant of ones abilities in life. Not parents or society. Also there is such a thing as a mean iq.
And yes whites tend to make better more altruistic societies than Black. You judge by the mean, not the outliers
If someone has an iq or 85 they will never be capable of the same things as a person with an iq of 120. Factually.
Here’s a great list that goes over things :
Intelligence is the greatest determinant of ones abilities in life.
Look at tyson he isn't very bright, never has been
I can name a dozen of people 10 times smarter than tyson here, which have been, are, and will be much less successful at "life"
And while he definitely wasn't dumb as fuck, intelligence wasn't genghis khan's greatest quality
Thinking that intelligence is man's quintessential quality in life, is only the by product of a thought process coming straight out of limp wristed people who've been shielded from life's harsh reality for way too long
You'll get nothing but shit from so the called ruling elite without loyalty for instance, no matter how smart they are
It should be obvious to anyone by now
History disagrees. No im not going through two days worth of articles before keeping the same opinion.
The people currently at the very top of the food chain and through all history rarely got there through pure intelligence. It was money, family, and social status that put them there. One could argue intelligence can get those things but the difference between the extreme examples of those who were born with and those who earned it during ones life without a lucky chance are hardly comparable.
If you want to talk about world revolutionary intelligence then thats another story. Wait for AI to advance for that one though.
I have life experience
Checkmate, you can put your copypasta where it belongs; on a dusty library shelf
Russia has had some of the world's best scientific and mathematical minds on Earth. Look how well they've done in their shithole of a country. Sure, you can blame the Bolsheviks for the initial fuckery, but they've been long gone for awhile. Why haven't they been able to build a beautiful white utopia? Simple: greed. White's aren't more altruistic.
They are not gone. The people at the top are definitely jewish. Whites are way more altruistic. Jews tend to be more schizophrenic on average therefore predisposing them to low empathy behaviors
If all white societies fail because of a few jews at the top, then whites are not superior to jews.
Slavs aren't the same as Western Europeans. Race is more than skin color. Slavs generally have more aggression than Western Europeans, on par with mestizos. Western Europeans are more likely to cooperate (which often manifests as altruism) and this helps them build bigger societies.
Yeah, I remember reading that Germans/Austrians considered Slavs to be the niggers of the white race (until they needed them to start enlisting).
Why haven't they been able to build a beautiful white utopia?
Because Russia is chock full of non-Whites.
Patton commented on it in WW2, and the kikes running the USSR had almost 50 more years to race-mix the proud Russian people, and to pollute their politics with nasty non-Whites.
So are you saying Russia is lost? That there's not enough pure gene pool left?
Can/will get memory holed?
I'm in the process of offlinjng everything I can and normally would just save the link but instead I'm going to take the info itself offline.
Do you know of a good program/app or whatever that will allow me to basically do what does but with no reliance on the internet?
Intelligence is the greatest determinant of ones abilities in life.
According to Juden Peterson, intelligence is a yuge handicap as the extremely intelligent tend to fail at society as hard, if not harder than, the extremely stupid.
He also denies how jews have been at the helm of the destruction of the west
That he does, but he also shows Nazi propaganda that accurately describes the Jews and the Jewish problem, so he might be yet another instance of a kike/golem accidentally enlightening the goyim on the JQ.
(post is archived)