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[–] [deleted] 2 pts 4y

If anyone ever tells you there's no equality or equity, ask them their metric. "By what metric will we have equality? When will you be happy?" They will glitch.

[–] 2 pts 4y

There was a great video I saw either back on Voat or here where a guy asks a jew "what's the goal of diversity, when are we 'diverse enough?'" The jew struggled hard to give an answer that didn't blantantly sound like "when there's no more Whites."

This forces people to admit that "diversity" just means getting rid of Whites.

[–] 0 pt 4y

I've been down that road, and you're right. Anymore I take a shortcut to athletics - "WHY ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT A NICHE MARKET BRO?" Well, because it's just that - a market. If niggers are supposed to be an equal (or at least proportional) number of scientists, doctors, and engineers, then whites should be an equal/proportional number of sportsball players. If you don't concede that then you're not serious about your desire for equity.

I have yet to find someone to concede it.