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[–] 2 pts 4y

Our education system is fucked. We don't teach proper history. We don't teach proper sociology. We don't teach proper biology. So much misinformation all to protect fragile nigger egos.

[–] 2 pts 4y

Since Brown v. Board of Education , we cannot teach anything.

It reminds me of that short story Harrison Bergeron , wherein the intelligent people have their thoughts disrupted to prevent them from beating the system. Putting nigs into our schools was the same thing for White kids.

The only solution to this, besides segregation, has been to use (((ADD/ADHD))) as an excuse to dope the darkies so that they at least sit there and don't disrupt the class. I find this to be interesting as (((ADD))) was created to crush White boys, and now it is backfiring on the yids by being increasingly used just to placate their pets.

[–] 1 pt 4y

Don’t forget civics, my Dad used to talk about civics classes, basically civ nat training in schools.

I guess niggers didn’t take to it properly.