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[–] 5 pts 4y

Do one better:

Cast a black palistinian girl as anne frank. Get a really jewish-looking set of italians to play the nazis. Scrub most of the nazi stereotypes (it's all europhobic memes anyway ), and drop red pills.

Call it

"If this were real."

A young anne frank deals with the world shattering revelation that she must spend her life in an attic with her family, hiding away from the national socialists who want to gas her deport her to Palestine, or worse. In this small enclosed space, despite the fear that none of it is real, she still finds ways to escape.

Opening, voice over, the dark is illuminated by a single candle, almost pitch black, except for the candle, camera shot from above, as a women carries the candle up stairs rapidly. Angry banging at the door down below.

ANNE: If this were real, I would not be hiding in an attic. If this were real, I'd already be on a train to be deported. If this were real men would not be hunting after us with rumors of labor camps. It can't be real. Despite this stuffy attic which has become a sort of prison, I can still escape sometimes into my mind. We have to survive, somehow.

[–] 2 pts 4y

Wait why are the good guys being played by jewwy italians?

[–] 1 pt 4y

I think he is trying to say the jews are as bad as a Nazi stereotype with the way they treal Palestinians.

[–] 1 pt 4y

Or better still it was all a dream and she wrote in her diary with future tech called a biro.

[–] 0 pt 4y

Sadly if you wrote a script for a time traveling anne frank, people would believe it.

She fought for La Resistance against "muh ebil nazis" across the streets of paris, with the power of hope, a blind but wise blackman, and laura dern in the role of fearless leader and godmother.

Shaquille O'Neal also plays in it for some reason, playing a big ass soldier stuck behind enemy lines, strong but slow witted with a slight lisp and a heart of gold, like a big dumb child. He looks after anne, and she keeps him from hurting himself. Together, she learns through the power of courage, friendship, chutzpah , and killing way too many nazis in overstyled hyperviolence 300-style , that anything is possible

Also at some point theres a holocoaster, someone who eats diamonds to shit them out again and keep them continually from the nazis (maybe the wise old blackman, or a sihk or some shit, playing a fagin-type character), and a life sized hindenberg of hitler vaguely reminiscent of the big bad from ghostbusters, you know the one.

And all of the scenes of hitler, if there are any, are of him furiously planning this parade, every detail, like bridezilla, never satisfied. This, instead of teaching people the real history which they'll just reject, because at least it is better to be ignorant than misinformed .

This has been a Weimer 2021 Production .

From the studio that brought you Heavy-handed Rip Offs of 1984 And Catholic Propaganda V For Vendetta .

Actually we didn't write that one. And be grateful we didn't.

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