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[–] 0 pt 4y

Its unproductive, shitting on generations just divides. The great generation fucked us all by destroying the germans and are arguably the biggest fuck ups, boomers let the world deteriorate but thats no different to subsequent generations. Its the fucking jews, you cant bitch about boomers not fixing shit when wecallowed biden to take office. We're all useless fucking boomers till we form militias and start working towards our own interests.

[–] 1 pt 4y

We're all useless fucking boomers till we form militias and start working towards our own interests.

That’s part of why accurate, truthful narrative about the details of generations is important - it serves unifying purposes.

The Almighty God Himself complained about a wicked, useless generation with “worthless people” (His words, not mine) on more than one occasion. It’s part of how we understand and interface with reality itself.

On a personal level, my own dad’s long list of horrible, selfish decisions galvanized my resolve never to do that to my children. This can be extended outward - usefully - to apply to generations, if the narrative is true .

[–] 0 pt 4y

It is important to look at flaws in each generation and understand how each gen created the subsequent ones. But singling one out is merely divisive