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[–] 1 pt 4y

Well the BSD's (which apple forked from) are really good, especially FreeBSD. It's the closest thing to a truly free OS out there. Also, you can get rid of your appletv etc. with OSMC, https://osmc.tv. You can get rid of your iPhome/Android with Librem5 of PinePhome. There's a lot of options if you want to be free from big tech tyranny.

[–] 0 pt 4y


I was looking at the Purism Librem 5 but the reviews were really bad and said it was nowhere near consumer ready.

Is PinePhome different? Better?

[–] 0 pt 4y

No, it's worse. But if you're a competent linux* hacker** this is not a deal breaker, or even an issue really.

* If you're under 40 and not at least competent in linux (you should be fluent) you're in for a world of hurt and to be dominated by tech tyranny. Older folks can legitimately not care but <40 = fucked.
** Hacker in the computer project sense not in "the hacker 4chan" sense. Someone buying a raspberry pi to automate their home is a hacker in this sense.

[–] 1 pt 4y

Shit. Ya I’m mid 30s and can’t code to save my life.

What’s your recommendation to get started learning for a beginner? Udemy courses? Is there a primer or foundational course you’d recommend?