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[–] 4 pts 4y

They're constantly innovating(files.catbox.moe).

[–] 2 pts 4y

BAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! You know that was an order from corporate.

[–] 1 pt 4y (edited 4y)

It did exceptionally well in the bay area beta group.

[–] 0 pt 4y

Yep, had "exceptional bottom end".

[–] 1 pt 4y

I literally lol'ed that one. Thanks.

[–] 3 pts 4y

It's bad enough that their computers phones are overpriced, but they just have to go the extra mile and vastly overprice the small attachments as well. Some examples of their overpriced garbage:

Feet for the fag pros ($300 US): https://www.apple.com/shop/product/MXNM2ZM/A/apple-mac-pro-feet-kit#apl

Wheels for the fag pros ($700 US): https://www.apple.com/shop/product/MX572ZM/A/apple-mac-pro-wheels-kit#apl

[–] 1 pt 4y

Yeah, that's insane that they can get away with that, but what really gets to me are the fucking morons gloating about buying this shit.

[–] 3 pts 4y

Pay no mind, as apple fanatics are mainly comprised of fags, women, and niggers (some of them even an unholy combination of all 3).

[–] 1 pt 4y

Unfortunately around me it's all white boomers and wiggers doing it.

[–] 1 pt 4y

I laugh in the face of dumbarses stupid enough to buy these things. My $7 wireless headphones do the job just as well, if not better than their overpriced garbage.

It's the same claptrap as "designer goods" - overpriced rubbish which outs those who are stupid enough to buy them.

[–] 1 pt 4y

Isn't there a stand for around 1000?

[–] [deleted] 1 pt 4y

Sandals are overpriced to an African.

If an Apple laptop is overpriced then Apple wouldn't be one of the richest companies today.

[–] -1 pt 4y

Someone who understands economics, so fucking rare.

[–] 0 pt 4y

You forget monitor stand, about $999.99

[–] 0 pt 4y

Oh I didn't forget, I just didn't mention it because I think a lot of people knew about them already. The feet and wheels, not so much.

[–] 2 pts 4y

For people like me who have only know apple products their whole life but really want a secure, private, free alternative...what would you recommend? What else is out there?

GNU Linux seems like the only option

[–] 1 pt 4y

Well the BSD's (which apple forked from) are really good, especially FreeBSD. It's the closest thing to a truly free OS out there. Also, you can get rid of your appletv etc. with OSMC, https://osmc.tv. You can get rid of your iPhome/Android with Librem5 of PinePhome. There's a lot of options if you want to be free from big tech tyranny.

[–] 0 pt 4y


I was looking at the Purism Librem 5 but the reviews were really bad and said it was nowhere near consumer ready.

Is PinePhome different? Better?

[–] 0 pt 4y

No, it's worse. But if you're a competent linux* hacker** this is not a deal breaker, or even an issue really.

* If you're under 40 and not at least competent in linux (you should be fluent) you're in for a world of hurt and to be dominated by tech tyranny. Older folks can legitimately not care but <40 = fucked.
** Hacker in the computer project sense not in "the hacker 4chan" sense. Someone buying a raspberry pi to automate their home is a hacker in this sense.

[–] 1 pt 4y

Yeah Linux and Mac OS are essentially both Unix forks/clones. Ubuntu was the most consumer friendly distro last I checked (if you don't mind having your OS named after some nigger shit).

Linux works great for general work/web use and is pretty easy to use until you run into issues installing Silverlight to watch Netflix or something. The little incompatibilities and the work you need to do to get around them is worst part about Linux.

[–] 0 pt 4y

Ok cool thanks. So Ubuntu is the way to go then?

[–] 0 pt 4y

I am the wrong person to answer that one, I have no idea.

[–] [deleted] 1 pt 4y

That's funny and oh so true. lol

[–] 0 pt 4y

Hey man, good to see you around you Mok.

[–] 1 pt 4y

Charge $1000 for each butt plug so that few people will be able to afford it and it will be exclusive.

[–] 0 pt 4y

Yup, the Apple business model

[–] [deleted] 1 pt 4y

It was the rounded corners that got you.

[–] 1 pt 4y

God did it first

[4] Then said they, What shall be the trespass offering which we shall return to him? They answered, Five golden emerods, and five golden mice, according to the number of the lords of the Philistines: for one plague was on you all, and on your lords. [5] Wherefore ye shall make images of your emerods, and images of your mice that mar the land; and ye shall give glory unto the God of Israel: peradventure he will lighten his hand from off you, and from off your gods, and from off your land. (I Samuel 6:4-5 [KJV])

Emerods is an archaic term for hemorrhoids. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Emerods

[–] 0 pt 4y

LOL, I don't even know what to say. I got nothing.

[–] [deleted] 1 pt 4y

there isn't any hope for people who want to run their own company.

[–] 0 pt 4y

Always screwing the little guy!

[–] [deleted] 1 pt 4y

I wanna do hydroponic grows in food desserts...

too bad theres 20298374 companies with NO INFRASTRUCTURE gobbling the gibs.

how does a farm operate with no farm?

[–] 1 pt 4y

That kinda shit tells me we're being set up for famine. Food is going to be a weapon very soon if something doesn't happen to stop this shit.

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