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(post is archived)

[–] 0 pt 4y (edited 4y)

How on earth did "Saddam Hussein" become our concern as Americans all of the sudden!? What sort of faggot troll is posting this here?! Must be fake jew faggots! Everyone else who is not a "fake jew faggot", ignore them no matter how much "oomph" and "importance" they seem to ooze. It's all fake since it does not come from God or serving God!

Just a quick heads up to patrons of this site. Such faggot trolls have followed me to many different websites ever since I dared to call them faggots to their face on Reddit and got banned for it, so please ignore them! Don't fall for their ploys! They all might come from privilege and wealth. That doesn't mean they're important at all. They're the opposite of important in fact, simply evil faggot scum and criminals hired by other faggots to faggot-troll good honest people!

I can't believe how many people this troll hired to upvote this and make it seem "legitimate". These people oughta get shot dead! Heck, even if they hired the entire world to upvote this, they can't escape their fate with God's wrath who is putting them ALL in Hell!


[–] 0 pt 4y

Spoken like a scared-larping-israeli desperate to keep the goyim off the money-scent.

That was a Reddit-tier rant you fucking queer.

Follow the money and you will ALWAYS find (((them))).