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[–] 1 pt 4y

No, He was not. That's the greatest lie that the kikes have ever told.

[–] 0 pt 4y

Got sauce? I believe this too, but I have no evidence.

[–] 1 pt 4y

Letter written by Pontius Pilate to Tiberius

I observed in the midst of the group a young man who was leaning against a tree, calmly addressing the multitude. I was told it was Jesus. This I could easily have suspected, so great was the difference between him and those listening to him. His golden-colored hair and beard gave him the appearance of a celestial aspect. He appeared to be about thirty years old. Never have I seen a sweeter or more serene countenance. What a Contrast between him and his hearers, with their black beards and tawny completion

[–] 0 pt 4y

Far our, you aren't kidding.

Letter to Tiberius(theancientbridge.com)

[–] 0 pt 4y

Holy guacamole, that's amazing, cheers. Gonna have to dig that up.

[–] [deleted] 1 pt 4y (edited 4y)

I had much on the subject of Jesus not being jewish saved over at Voat so its gone forever. I know Jesus despised jews https://pic8.co/sh/34AXkl.jpg

[–] 0 pt 4y

That's pretty good, but idk, could easily be dismissed as metaphorical, as he often communicated.

I think there are some better ones, ones surrounding the new covenant voiding the old one especially, but I can't remember the verses.

RIP voat, so much was lost.