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[–] [deleted] 0 pt 4y

It was worse than that...

The jews were really big on technicalities. Things like picking something from a fruit tree on Sunday and eating it was considered "doing work" and therefore punishable by God because of their way of interpreting the whole "keep the Sabbath holy" commandment. But, for a small fee, there are all of these ways around that punishment. Simply purchase one of these items and your sin will be washed away according to all of our interpretations of God's word. It's in this fifty-scroll book called "Leviticus" and we'll use that book of our... I mean... God's laws to restrict your life in every way, from the food you eat to the company you keep to the way you make yourself look nice to others.

The jews had twisted God's word to the point that it was impossible for a normal person to get it right. But they alwys made sure to tell people they could go to the temple and make a sacrifice for every little mistake. Then they would hang out at the temple, selling "acceptible" sacrificial items.

"Oh, you can't use coins from your land here. We'll exchange them for you for a small fee."

"Sorry, this item costs more than what you have. But without this item, you'll have to be stoned to death for saying "God" out loud, because that's what God wants. No, it's okay for me to say it, just not you. I know, right? Now- I can let you borrow the remaining amount, but you'll have to give me your daughter until you pay me back twice what you borrow." Shit like that.

They made sure the normies knew only their interpretation of God's word, then they made sure to profit from everyone trying to follow their twisted set of bullshit laws.