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[–] 0 pt 4y

There's a theory that everyone in Judea in Jesus' time was a White Israelite, and that the modern Jews are some literal neanderthals from Russia who entered the scene later.

Jesus' encounters at the Temple make it very difficult for me to put stock in that theory as today's money-grubbing, unscrupulous Godless kikes are doing the exact same thing in their Wall Street "temple" as was being done in Jesus' day.

Is it possible that, 2,000 years ago, it was White people who were antagonizing Jesus with their extreme kikery?

[–] 0 pt 4y

Galilee literally translates to city of the Gauls. ie. Gaelic ancestry (Celtic) Jesus looked like a Welshman.

Egyptians pharoahs were proved to be white

(((jews))) proved to descend from less than 300 people in Eastern Europe not Judea.

All the info is out there. The real jews are those that follow Gods word, all prophecies and therefore Christ the Messiah. They must also be able to know God therefore the only real jews are Aryan Europeans and not dumb niggers and chinks who don't even have a soul.