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[–] 6 pts 4y

Jesus H. Christ needs to get back into the table flipping business. Many a table needs flippin' right now.

[–] 0 pt 4y

New bidness name “JH Christ Furniture Flippers Inc.”

[–] 0 pt 4y

they will just find another table

[–] [deleted] 5 pts 4y

chasing the original mafia out of the temple

[–] [deleted] 1 pt 4y

I think the original reason, based on my limited understanding, wasnt that they were trading, its that they were using a sacred area to do money grubbing shit. Its no different from the current day phenomenon of hosting a nightclub in a church. Jesus also wasnt pleased that jews had a problem with the not working on sabbath, because jews are so fucking lazy, that apparently anything beyond a light stroll was considered "work" to the judean. That is precisely how lazy a jew really is. Not even going into the god saves their asses only to have the kikes stabd god in the back by worshipping a golden calf.

[–] 1 pt 4y

I had a jew as a friend, a long time ago; before I even knew what the JQ was. The guy would literally call a cab to take him a block down the road, 'cause he couldn't be bothered to walk that far. Always looking for scams to make money. They're like cartoon villains; it's actually kinda hilarious, in hindsight.

[–] [deleted] 2 pts 4y

Yup, jews are like the cartoon depiction when it comes to stereotypes. I always wondered why a lot of portions of the bible were oddly specific( not bearing witness to false crime, not using the community to bear witness to false crime, etc), and now i know. Because these teabagging fucks will use the absolute dumbest of arguments when it comes to making a point. We see it now with jews modifying the definition of gender, or what meritocracy means.

[–] [deleted] 0 pt 4y

It was worse than that...

The jews were really big on technicalities. Things like picking something from a fruit tree on Sunday and eating it was considered "doing work" and therefore punishable by God because of their way of interpreting the whole "keep the Sabbath holy" commandment. But, for a small fee, there are all of these ways around that punishment. Simply purchase one of these items and your sin will be washed away according to all of our interpretations of God's word. It's in this fifty-scroll book called "Leviticus" and we'll use that book of our... I mean... God's laws to restrict your life in every way, from the food you eat to the company you keep to the way you make yourself look nice to others.

The jews had twisted God's word to the point that it was impossible for a normal person to get it right. But they alwys made sure to tell people they could go to the temple and make a sacrifice for every little mistake. Then they would hang out at the temple, selling "acceptible" sacrificial items.

"Oh, you can't use coins from your land here. We'll exchange them for you for a small fee."

"Sorry, this item costs more than what you have. But without this item, you'll have to be stoned to death for saying "God" out loud, because that's what God wants. No, it's okay for me to say it, just not you. I know, right? Now- I can let you borrow the remaining amount, but you'll have to give me your daughter until you pay me back twice what you borrow." Shit like that.

They made sure the normies knew only their interpretation of God's word, then they made sure to profit from everyone trying to follow their twisted set of bullshit laws.

[–] [deleted] 0 pt 4y

pretty much. but they were selling animals at a profit for the people to sacrifice . hence why he called them a generation of vipers. and in return they had him crucified . they crucified their own prophesied messiah.

[–] [deleted] 1 pt 4y

Jews: Hated since before the dawn of times. Im just picturing the original jew, being some cave dwelling gollum. Allthough now that i think about it, i wonder if JRR tolkien was also anti semitic. Smeagle is a perfect representation of a jew, hideous voice, schizophrenic, afraid of other people, addicted to power, and needs a ring to rule them all. The ring here being the ring of satan connecting the media, the banks, etc.

[–] 0 pt 4y

they crucified their own prophesied messiah.

Doubt remains that Jesus came for the people, using that term loosely, who had him crucified.

[–] 0 pt 4y

Hence why they are all pissed off to this day. He came and they denied Him. They are a lost people.

[–] 0 pt 4y

I don’t know about laziness, especially if there’s sheckles involved. However, in the temple, jews were charging money for sheep they forced on the travelers who came with their own offerings for the sacrifice of Passover. The people were denied their own sacrificial animals and forced to buy a sheep from the kikes for redemption. That’s what Jesus was all pissed off about. They had turned his temple into a market.

[–] [deleted] 1 pt 4y

Ah i see, yeah that's no different from what kikes forced down people's throats with the ACA weirdly enough, people were forced to buy new insurance, even though they had coverage. Jews never change

[–] 0 pt 4y

Would Christ have been also appalled by kikes outside of the temple selling sacrifices at yuge markup?

I thought the takeaway was that He was in general disgusted by people profiteering from offering salvation, and that His disgust went to cold rage upon seeing them have the gall to practice this inside the Temple?

[–] [deleted] 0 pt 4y

I think in general christ is digsusted by people trying to "buy" virtue or find ways to commit crimes by brushing away their severity. You will be forgiven, but first you have to acknowledge sin, and christ says as much in Luke if i remember. Unless you make fun of god, in which case you will be eternally damned. However, in the kike's case, the bigger issue beyond the markups, and shitty behavior, was the idea that kikes legitimately thought, just like the holocaust, that if they believed it to be a rightful action, than the action was moral.

[–] [deleted] 3 pts 4y

Jesus wasn't afraid to crack a whip on a jew bitch when needed. Its also the only time Jesus used profanity was when dealing with the jews. I bet he was like: "You fuckin kikes don't ever learn"

[–] 1 pt 4y

John should have told Jesus "No half measures, Jesus."

[–] [deleted] 2 pts 4y

This time the solution has to be final, no pussy footing on this one jesus

[–] 0 pt 4y

he had his chance

[–] 0 pt 4y

John was a Zionist terrorist who was exiled to the Island of Patmos between 81-96 A.D for inciting insurrection against the white Roman rulers by the Roman Emperor Domitian.

[+] [deleted] 0 pt 4y
[–] 0 pt 4y

Jesus was a jew.. he was called a rabbi. imagining being ''jew-wise'' but looking up to and worshipping a jewish supremacist..

[–] 1 pt 4y

Hey man. I get your perspective. BUT if you knew a little bit more you wouldn't say that.

Christ and the Messiah are the same but he wasn't the Jew's Messiah. He was The World's.

They rejected Him and He knew they would.

The Word of God made man. Chosen at a point in time (in history) that His deed's will not be tarnished and the perfect sacrifice can be made according to the law. Now there is the first clue "according to the law". Do you think a perfect God would make a rule he could just break? He made laws for His people. They failed to follow those laws. Which God fully expected. How can an almighty complete the Laws he set out for His people that chose laws instead of Wisdom? God has to follow them also. So The Perfect sacrifice was made (The Actual Son/word of God) to complete the covenant. Now The Jews are on their own technically. Now only one promise left. That Jerusalem would not be trampled underfoot by the world when The World turns against them and surrounds Jerusalem.

Now here we are a couple thousand years later.

So would the God almighty, maker of heaven and Earth, lie to you?

He tells you staright up all you have to do is ask him. Wisdom is God's first love. He created existence with it. Asking for wisdom is the most perfect thing you could ask for.

[–] 0 pt 4y

Everything you need to know about the Pharisees.

[–] 0 pt 4y

There's a theory that everyone in Judea in Jesus' time was a White Israelite, and that the modern Jews are some literal neanderthals from Russia who entered the scene later.

Jesus' encounters at the Temple make it very difficult for me to put stock in that theory as today's money-grubbing, unscrupulous Godless kikes are doing the exact same thing in their Wall Street "temple" as was being done in Jesus' day.

Is it possible that, 2,000 years ago, it was White people who were antagonizing Jesus with their extreme kikery?

[–] 0 pt 4y

Galilee literally translates to city of the Gauls. ie. Gaelic ancestry (Celtic) Jesus looked like a Welshman.

Egyptians pharoahs were proved to be white

(((jews))) proved to descend from less than 300 people in Eastern Europe not Judea.

All the info is out there. The real jews are those that follow Gods word, all prophecies and therefore Christ the Messiah. They must also be able to know God therefore the only real jews are Aryan Europeans and not dumb niggers and chinks who don't even have a soul.


[–] [deleted] 0 pt 4y

except he didn't buy a bunch of doves to drive the price up to hurt the investors or send a plague to hurt dove stock. He attached the jews not their trade. STOP PLAYING THEIR GAMES is the lesson. If you're in the market you deserve his wrath just as much. Gambling for the rich is all the stock market is now.

[–] [deleted] 0 pt 4y

i'm starting to think we need Vlad the Impaler to return to take on the jq and finish it once and for all.

[–] 0 pt 4y

lmao that at kike in the blue hat yelling "oy veyyyy muh shekels" in aramaic

[–] 0 pt 4y

buying stock doesnt equal kicking shitheads out of a building

[–] -1 pt 4y

Nice. Rare picture of Yeshua looking like a Jew instead of looking like a fucking Swiss man lol

[–] 2 pts 4y (edited 4y)

Oh look at the kike naming Jesus as (((his))) deity.

Too obvious Moshe.


The sheer amount of kike replies one after another after another followed by the jewish, faggot circle-jerking is astonishing for such a tiny website.

[–] [deleted] 1 pt 4y

Why do you fags insist on claiming some dead jew on a stick as your god instead of one of the countless gods your own ethnic groups believed in for hundreds if not thousands of years?

White cuckoldry really started when they opted into a desert cult and killed off their own mythology.

[–] 2 pts 4y

jew on a stick

Fuck off Moshe.

[–] 0 pt 4y

Like the big fucking Thor’s Hammer tattoo on my back because I’m a Viking? That?

[–] 0 pt 4y

Right? I could almost tolerate it if it was very ethnocentric - but it's not, it's intrinsically Civic Nationalist. And Civic Nationalism is white genocide with extra steps.

[–] 0 pt 4y

Why do you call him Jesus? His name was Yeshua. Jesus is just a Hellenized version of his name from when the Bible was translated into Greek. I'm assuming you're not speaking and reading Greek and that you're speaking and reading in English - so why not fully Anglicize his name and call him Joshua?

No matter how you look at it, he wasn't European and set out ONLY to reform Judaism for Jews. He explicitly says so. Europeans, Africans, Asians, etc are all ineligible to be "Christians."

[–] 0 pt 4y

Jesus is White

[–] 1 pt 4y

Swiss cheese after they nailed him to a cross. Betrayed by his fellow Jews no less.

[–] 0 pt 4y

uncledoug sounds like a pedophiles name

[–] 0 pt 4y

Projection is a Jew tactic. Did your uncle bum you?