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[–] 3 pts 4y

I work outside and in the colder seasons a vest is ideal because with a sweater I'll start to sweat but with a vest and tshirt I get much more airflow and the sweat dissipates easier. Plus if I get too warm it's really quick and easy to remove a vest

Also I like puffy vests under my riding jacket when I ride my motorcycle because it insulates my core without adding bulk to my arms, which in an armored riding jacket the sleeves are bulky to begin with so I take what I can get

[–] 2 pts 4y

I never thought of those use cases but now it makes sense in those contexts to have that type of jacket.

[–] 1 pt 4y

I always thought the same until I had to wear one for work. Its still kinda faggy though.

[–] 1 pt 4y

~I like Puffy vests. and I can not lieeee You other faggots may deny~

[–] 0 pt 4y

Found the nigger worshipper.