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[–] 17 pts 4y

"Don't judge me" says the creature who demands that you:

Make 6 figures - but not be a workaholic

Be tall - but not too tall

Be fit - but not a gym bro

Be funny - but not goofy

Be good with kids - But not have any

Have a hairless body - but not be bald

Be spontaneous - but only when she's expecting it

Be mature - but not boring

Be charming - but not sappy

Be dominant - but not authoritative

Be stoic - but share your feelings

Be good with money - but not cheap or thrifty

Be social - but end all your friendships when you get with her

Be fashionable - but not vain

Be agreeable - but not meek

Be manly - but not macho

Ascribe to all your traditional gender roles - but allow her to eschew all hers

Be a family man - but don't expect her to be around your family

Have a nice car - but not be flashy or arrogant

Have a nice big house - but also not have a wife and kids or roommates

Know how to cook - but not eat dinner at home

Be good with tools - just not spend and money on tools

Have your own life and hobbies - But only if she agrees with them, likes them, and can join in

Be responsible - but not predictable

Have great teeth, skin, hair, and nails - but not be vain about your teeth, hair, skin and nails

Want her and only her and no other woman - but also don't smother her and give her space

Have absolute trust in her - but allow her to snoop around all your shit

Have long term plans and goals - but "live in the moment"

Watch her gay ass shitty movies with her - but not be the kind of guy who watches gay ass shitty movies

Be nice to all her friends - but not too nice or show them any more attention than she gets

Always answer the phone immediately when she calls - but not be some needy, thirsty loser with nothing going on

Be clean and organized - but not be particular or set in your ways or OCDish

Have 0 vices - but be okay with her smoking, drinking, and whoredom

Raise her kids for her - but not ever discipline them because "you aren't their father"

and the list goes on ad infinitum

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[–] 1 pt 4y

But....but... MGTOW is a jew psyop like feminism and totally not a survival strategy!

[–] 3 pts 4y

When you ask yourself why any woman would get married today you can instantly form a list in your head.

When you ask why, in the name of God would any man be dumb enough to get married - you can't think of a single reason. It used to be it gave you exclusivity rights to her reproductive organs. Now she can fuck Tyrone, divorce you, and still take half your shit.

Just get a dog for company and jack off. You will be happier.

[–] 1 pt 4y

Yep. No man in his right mind signs The Contract, and any man who does isn't in his right mind. Today's man has to adopt the mating habits of the praying mantis in order to procreate. Makes things very difficult.

Because even getting a Good Woman just means getting a Good Master. Even the ones who insist that they would NEVER use that contract to destroy you, they ALL require it.

Gee, darling. If you aren't going to use the contract to destroy me, why do you need it to begin with?

[–] 1 pt 4y

The best way to "win" is to not play the game.

[–] 6 pts 4y

The best way to win is not to be seduced by mgtow propaganda, get married to a non-communist non-whore and have 6 kids.


[–] 2 pts 4y

1000 times yes. 6 beautiful children here and I agree.

[–] 1 pt 4y

This. I know finding a sane non whorish woman is very hard, but they exist. Offing yourself from the genepool is basically game over.

[–] 0 pt 4y

Only 6 kids?

Frankly it should be like The Waltons , or the scene from We Were Soldiers , where the family of Mel Gibson's character comes streaming out of the house; Mad Mel himself has at least 9 kids.

As I recall, even British during the age of empire were expected to have three sons: First for the family name (heir), second for the service, and third for the priesthood

[–] 1 pt 4y

That's a really good list.


[–] 0 pt 4y

Do you think men cant be arbitrary or selfish? The world is full of assholes. I promise you that some of them have penises. So get the fuck over it.

Stop spreading jewish propaganda. Men and women need to get married and have babies. Find a non-psycho and reproduce.

[–] 1 pt 4y

The greatest harm they have done is to pit men against women, and women against men. Many men don't look enough in the mirror to see that they themselves are the wounded animal, that needs to heal. Resentment will keep that wound from healing. We need guidance though, just like our ancestors, when decay and destruction ended their civilizations. Where can we as white people find guidance?

[–] 1 pt 4y

From me. Ill tell you what to do white people. Lol. No really I will.

Find a non-communist, non-degenerate white girl. Hi IQ is a plus. More disagreeable but the genetic gold is worth it. Loyalty is a must. The white race must survive and thrive.

[–] 1 pt 4y

Wemen need to have a hole and not be too fat. That's it.

[–] 1 pt 4y

Men tend to be a tad bit more demanding than that in my experience

[–] 0 pt 4y

Have a hairless body - but not be bald

Richard Nixon believed that faggots had taken over the fashion industry and were deliberately dressing women in ugly clothes so that men would eschew them and become faggots too.

This push to persuade women that hairless male bodies are "sexy" seems like more faggotry to me, with the fags using women to convince guys to all try and "manscape" themselves into looking more twink-like for their pleasure. Frankly, I cannot believe that women really, truly want a guy who downplays the sexual dimorphism.

As some limp-wristed liberal who played a conservative satire character once said: "Only women shave below the Neck"

He was right.

[–] 0 pt 4y

Eh, works for me. I come from swimmers' blood, and my torso has naturally low drag. Multiple women have commented on how I've got the perfect balance: still totally manly, but also smooth and soft.

A manly man can still adopt beauty and grace as their own. Not like the spindly-armed fags in anime. Like a reverse tomboy: having all the charms of a man and adding some feminine charms as well.

[–] 0 pt 4y

Multiple women have commented on how I've got the perfect balance: still totally manly, but also smooth and soft.

Hopefully you're using that to your advantage. What I am wondering is if women would want "smooth and soft" if society weren't pushing them towards it via media and chemistry.

Having to shave torso/groin/legs/arms/pits/butt seems way too tedious to me, so I lean into the Seinfeld/Austin Powers "You are hairy, like animal" dimorphism lol. But the shaving trend does really make me wonder about a fag plot ever since I learned that our muslim friends use body hair as the demarcation between when male-on-male goes from "socially acceptable" to "thrown from a tower".