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[–] 3 pts 4y

When you ask yourself why any woman would get married today you can instantly form a list in your head.

When you ask why, in the name of God would any man be dumb enough to get married - you can't think of a single reason. It used to be it gave you exclusivity rights to her reproductive organs. Now she can fuck Tyrone, divorce you, and still take half your shit.

Just get a dog for company and jack off. You will be happier.

[–] 1 pt 4y

Yep. No man in his right mind signs The Contract, and any man who does isn't in his right mind. Today's man has to adopt the mating habits of the praying mantis in order to procreate. Makes things very difficult.

Because even getting a Good Woman just means getting a Good Master. Even the ones who insist that they would NEVER use that contract to destroy you, they ALL require it.

Gee, darling. If you aren't going to use the contract to destroy me, why do you need it to begin with?