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[–] [deleted] 3 pts 4y (edited 4y)

Yea I have been talking with a woman for three years, we just got married last weekend. Having kids soon (jumped the gun on that one by a few months). Wasn't that hard. But I see the women hating MGTOW incels and there is absolutely no way in hell they will ever find a woman with that attitude.

It goes both ways, when I saw these women screeching about how awful men are I immediately identified that they have psychological problems, aren't willing to own up to their own fuckery, and completely unsuitable for a long term commitment. Those types will burn you sooner or later and won't think twice about it.

Most of these dudes who act this way are exactly the same and would just drag a decent woman into their own misery rather than producing the foundation for a happy/sustainable family.

EDIT: Btw when I met her she had some liberal proclivities. As long as you're strong in character and don't come off as a blatantly dysfunctional dick-head, good women will follow your lead. Now she's as trad as they come.

[–] 1 pt 4y

Congrats. The secret to getting a baby to bond with you is to rest its head on your chest so it can hear your heart beat. Also works when they're being annoying little shirts. They pass out in like 30seconds. Works on animals too.

[–] [deleted] 0 pt 4y

Good tip, I really appreciate it. It's an interesting topic, I've heard that the steady beat of a drum has a hypnotic/trance like effect for whatever reason.

[–] 1 pt 4y

we just got married last weekend.

Yay! Congratulations dude.

I also see the same problem with women Ive been friends with. Claiming all men are pigs or rapists but never noticing the guys that are always friendly to them or pay for their coffee or whatever. Im aware of some femcel communities around the internet who are pretty entertaining in their absurdity.

I think if you want to believe all females are lying golddiggers or all men are unfaithful pigs that is what you will notice. Everyone is a little selfish— I think you just have to accept that no one you find is going to be a saint, but you have to steer clear of the psychos.

I just hate seeing so many young men being inculcated that all women are evil leftists. I am personally an evil fascist!

As long as you're strong in character and don't come off as a blatantly dysfunctional dick-head, good women will follow your lead.

Nah! I think it’s intellegence and strength of character. My mother was very conservative, she basically made my dad conservative too. I’ve influenced a few people—men included— to be more politically right wing.

If you’re intelligent and you know you’re right, you can change a lot of minds. A lot of people are somewhat pliable. I guess you just have to know that a person is more pliable than you are in order to influence them.

I think this probably does describe a lot of women (women often really want to be agreeable— I don’t know what happened to me, lol) but also a lot of young people too. And stupid people. But I digress.

Yes you can change people’s minds on politics, absolutely. Not just politics, culture too.

Congratulations again. Great news.

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[–] 0 pt 4y

53% of white women voted for Trump!

Even if it skews towards older women, I like those odds.

[–] 0 pt 4y

Make the voting age 30. At least.

Ive been thinking about women’s vote. Because I am one. And also because I recognize women suck as voters. But when men are the only ones with political power in a society they become very corrupt, like the muslims.

I think we should have tiered citizenship. Different groups whould have their votes weighted differently. I think women shoulnt have a full vote unless they are married with >=2 children. Maybe people who divorce should loose their vote. Civil servants should obciously not be able to vote, nor should any lawyers. Maybe people that have families who were in this country > 100 years get a full vote but more recent immigrants get some fraction of a vote.

[–] 1 pt 4y

Congrats my brother!

I'm popping the question in a couple months, but I already know the answer.