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[–] [deleted] 4 pts 4y

My aunt extended the back of her house, but some dickshit reported her, and now she's in court for building something without government permission. But why the fuck is she in court? The guys she trusted to do the build should be in court. These fucks, using illegal immigrants, are the ones that didn't fill out the proper paperwork. And who the fuck reports their neighbors for construction? Fucking cunts.

[–] 2 pts 4y (edited 4y)

Why the fck is she using someone that employs illegals??. If that builder is willing to cut corners on not paying wages for permanent staff and who he employs , what other corners is he willing to cut ?? ...

EDIT: Oh , filing the correct paperwork so he could likely pocket a few extra several hundred dollars, well there ya go. Tough lesson for your Aunt to learn - commiserations bud.