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...is Congress home? That bitch owes me money!

...is Congress home? That bitch owes me money!

(post is archived)

[–] 4 pts

Here, here!!

Wouldn't it be nice to be able to stand on the house floor with all of those fucks in their chairs, and ask them a few questions? Like who the fuck decided that 10 million of my dollars needed to go to Pakistan? I wanna know! Who decided isreal needed another 500 million? Seriously, who? Did you notice they voted themselves a raise? Again I ask, who? Which ones of you slimy bastards decided this is where my money is going?

How is it you can come into congress as middle class citizen and become filthy rich while you're in there? How does that happen? And why is it so pervasive? I mean like every fucking time!

Who in that pathetic body of thieves and crooks read all 5000 pages of that budget? And in less than 2 hours. You and I know exactly who .... none of them! They quickly checked the pages with the pork they made sure to insert and then fucking voted!

Our government does not represent the people, hasn't for a very long time. It's just so obvious any more that you can't even make this shit up.

From the decrepit jews to the young uneducated mouthy mexican, to the incestual towel head muslim. We got pedophiles and dot heads, rich socialists and traitor mormons all vying for their agenda while waxing eloquently about the will of the American people. Have you ever seen a larger crowd of outright liars in your life?

We elect these fucks. We pay these fucks. And they shit down our throat.

I'm getting pretty fed up. My Dad would say "about to get a belly full"

[–] 1 pt

They keep giving themselves pay raises as they crush us financially.