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for all of those "I never win anything" people

for the poetry fags who never nominate each other

for people with niche interests

to dig up their favorite post of the year


If the nomination is worthy, the Frosties committee will submit it as a surprise entry in the show.

Maybe your nomination will win.


**NOW IS YOUR CHANCE** for all of those "I never win anything" people for the poetry fags who never nominate each other for people with niche interests to dig up their favorite post of the year **PM ME** If the nomination is worthy, the Frosties committee will submit it as a surprise entry in the show. Maybe your nomination will win. **PM ME LAST MINUTE NOMINATIONS**
[–] 1 pt 29d

Are there any categories in particular that need more nominations? We could look through our saved posts/comments with particular categories in mind and hopefully help out with this.

[–] 1 pt 29d

I don't care what category just nominate good post and comments. If you're looking for ideas, just look at the categories here: https://poal.co/s/Frosties2024/743849

[–] 1 pt 29d
[–] 1 pt 29d

If you insist.

[–] 1 pt 29d

It was only a joke, no need to put it up.

[–] 1 pt 28d

I probably would have added it already if the post itself was worthy, but it's just me complaining.

[–] 0 pt 27d

This should be called Dork Horse nominations.

[–] 0 pt 27d

t. 4 year old account with 9 posts

[–] 0 pt 27d

Your point?

[–] 0 pt 27d

all you contribute is low effort comments. the only reason you're complaining about this is you're jealous of the people who made good content.