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(post is archived)

[–] 1 pt 6mo

Not a bad idea. Although the Frosties is kind of a look back on the previous year, and some of these site stats are more general in time. But @Frostymaybe @AOUcan pull some other cool stats out that apply to 2024 only.

[–] 1 pt 6mo

Sounds like participation trophies. Too easy to game (for some of these stats) and not really a mark of excellence or dastardliness as the categories usually relate to. But these stats would be interesting to see on a Poal stats page if it doesn't lead to (((faggotry))) that degrades the site performance or uptime.

[–] 1 pt 6mo

Those are artifacts from the site, i.e. actual stats as generated by users...not something you could really vote on because it's a known quantity.

[–] 2 pts 6mo

Yes that's why I suggested them. Directly answerable via access to the right data.

Here's another few: user whose name is most referenced. user who references other people's names the most. User with the most posts in the year. User with the most comments in the year. User posting in the widest number of subs in a year. User commenting in the widest number of subs in a year.

[–] 1 pt 6mo

What I mean is the Frosties are things that get nominated and voted on.

Those would be more of just interesting year-end stats.

[–] 1 pt 6mo

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