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Link to story and information links: [French]: https://www.fdesouche.com/2023/06/30/direct-emeutes-post-nahel-vendredi-jour-et-soiree/

(post is archived)

[–] 5 pts

The same French police who happily beat their own during the yellow vest protests?

[–] 1 pt

They happily beat people who protest like rioters over what they voted for in the first place...

Yeah strangely, cops are also there to protect the elected political body, the democratic process, the republic...

Not all france was yellow vest, not even half, you can't just let people march on the parliament and set shit on fire because? It's your people?

What are you? Kids?

[–] 2 pts (edited )

Two of the country’s top police unions threatened a revolt

Despots and tyrants need to be careful their own mercenaries don't revolt. They see what's going on and realize it's a losing battle: they're next.

A good illustration of how rational people only have to back away from the war and allow it to burn itself out. The army of shitskins will go apoplectic and kill each other and the government army is mostly powerless to stop it. It's also amusing watching one marginalized group attacking another marginalized group. Then the kikes aren't sure who to support. It sucks seeing this happen in my lifetime, so I simply watch it from my porch and prepare for the worst.