obsession with jews
YOU love the Jewish people. YOU and other tards like YOU, obsess over Jews. Literally anyone can look at your history and see that fact.
Keep going tho.
its literally owned by people that fucking hate jews you fucking moron.
moe as in the domain name extension... is named after japanese anime..
Moe (萌え, Japanese pronunciation: [mo.e](About this soundlisten)), sometimes romanized as moé, is a Japanese word that refers to feelings of strong affection mainly towards characters (usually female) in anime, manga, video games, and other media directed at the otaku market. Moe, however, has also gained usage to refer to feelings of affection towards any subject.
perhaps one of the furthes things from jews you moron.
but like I said you cant have a thought without injecting jews into it.
but for the record.. I DO BELIEVE THE JEWS OR UH ISRAEL WERE BEHIND 9/11 (along with several other intel agencies from other countries as well.)
BUT!!!!!!! I came to that belief from ACTUAL INVESTIGATING!!! instead of just injecting jew into the topic,
your stance makes no fucking sense. you hate jews but are on here arguing that 9/11 was NOT a false flag, which IT WAS AND ISRAEL WAS INVOLVED..
so you just plain make no fucking sense, and either are just as retarded as they come, or are a shill that cant keep his story straight.
checkmate, try harder next time shillary mcclinton.
moe as in the domain name extension... is named after japanese anime..
Yet YOU Jews use the site to store your "evidence". I've literally been presented with self portraits by your kind from that site. It's backed up here. Psh
I can tell you used Jewgle to search for moe. Of course they prioritize none Jewish moe terms to display your favorite fap site.
Anyone can search Moe using Qwant and find reality.
Keep stuttering.
you cants search moe, and I dont know what the fuck qwant is, and i dont care really, what its another thing your SLC PUNK ass is obscessed with clearly.
youre a moron, im anti zionist, just not fucking obsessed like you are...
(post is archived)