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[–] 3 pts 1y

Plastics can be converted back into fuel via pyrolysis. If you’re handy enough you can actually build an apparatus that will convert plastic into kerosene. Handy little gizmo for the zombie apocalypse, I’m sure.

[–] 1 pt 1y (edited 1y)

When corporations and trade groups know that their products pose grave risks to society, and then lie to the public and policymakers about it, they must be held accountable

Well, except for (((big pharma))), (((education))), (((big military))), (((big food)))

As I read the article, every other industry flashed through my mind because they all deceive and lie. Depending on how much they bribe, the government turns a blind eye and depending on how much advertising revenue they generate for the media, the media also turns a blind eye. The plastics industry may want to take their cue from the (((pharmaceutical))) industry on how to buy the media and government.