Yeah my phone is ancient now but every time I get a new phone I lose contacts, programs and pictures and what not. Not to mention I get separation anxiety from my old phone. I have less than a half gig of program memory on this bad boy lol. I also will never spend more than $400 on a phone.
My man. Now, I’ll say I understand all smartphones are government tracking devices. They’re also necessary evils. Woth that said, my daily is a 128gb/2gb iPhone 6s.
I make a majority of my living from that phone. I shit post at a high level from that phone. I use that phone to manage taking care of my dad from that phone. I edit photos and videos at a professional level from that phone.
I had one for approximately 4 years that I bought on a steep discount. I paid $129 for it. Replaced the battery a couple times. Then I replaced it with one from Craigslist for $99 and have had that battery replaced twice.
Right now, you can find one for less than $100 and it is still more than capable.
My next upgrade will be the iPhone se 2020 that has a gig more ram and a better processor. I’m just waiting for them to hit $100 on the open market.
Just letting you know what’s out there. I have newer android smartphones I’ve scooped up over the years but they just don’t give me what I need.
I'll probably just upgrade once more but with an android because I know it works with my apps for my business. IDK now though I'll ask my sister about her iphone because she got new iphones for her kids for Christmas. I still hate losing apps and numbers and having to reinstall and all of that. The good thing is hopefully whatever I get will be faster and more useful for my business as well. I'll geek out and soon because this phones on it's last leg.
Right on. Lots of deals out there. Used Motorola smartphones are quite the value. I like their G lineup. The power is my fav. I’d avoid the ones with fingerprint readers on the side. I hate them. I like it on the back.
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