It is one thing that arrest Durov, someone the West doesn't much know or care about. If Musk is arrested that would be a much stronger reaction. Watching to see how far the globohomos will go.
If I was Musk I would be very careful about where I travel right now.
It is one thing that arrest Durov, someone the West doesn't much know or care about. If Musk is arrested that would be a much stronger reaction. Watching to see how far the globohomos will go.
If I was Musk I would be very careful about where I travel right now.
He recently talked about it.
“Probably wise to for me to limit movements to countries where free speech is constitutionally protected,” Musk posted on X Friday night. (
He recently talked about it.
> [“Probably wise to for me to limit movements to countries where free speech is constitutionally protected,” Musk posted on X Friday night.](
Very smart. Not surprised.
Very smart. Not surprised.
(post is archived)