How do you film from Mexico with that much details? That's technically impossible with the curvature of the earth and the perturbation caused by the atmosphere.
Yes Mexico City is distant from Starbase. However Mexico is just a few miles from Starbase. See the black line near the red dot? That's Mexico in relation to Starbase. (
Haha, that will teach me not to do two things at the same time.
I thought Musk meant Mexico city.
Also, you know you can upload/embed images directly in comments instead of using kikebox.
I think it was probably a Mexican on a boat or in the launch area in Florida recording this, then returned to Mexico and posted it or something stupid like that. Impossible to record this from mainland Mexico. Elon should get some flak on this.
I think this launched out of Starbase, which is in Texas.
That makes sense. It seemed to me like a different launchpad from Florida. I forgot about Texas.