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Please see attached images. This battery is what is in a couple pairs of Bluetooth neckband earbuds I bought last year. Both pairs barely hold a charge now. I bought a different brand that has a battery that lasts for over a week running constantly (white noise, podcasts, speeches from Germany in the 30s and 40s, etc) but the neckband is floppy and annoys the shit out of me. I have only been able to find the batteries from manufacturers selling them in quantities of thousands. I just want maybe two or four of them. Price point ideally around $5-$8/battery. And I may be able to get one with a little bit more capacity because there s a bit of extra space where it is stored. Thanks for any help!!

Please see attached images. This battery is what is in a couple pairs of Bluetooth neckband earbuds I bought last year. Both pairs barely hold a charge now. I bought a different brand that has a battery that lasts for over a week running constantly (white noise, podcasts, speeches from Germany in the 30s and 40s, etc) but the neckband is floppy and annoys the shit out of me. I have only been able to find the batteries from manufacturers selling them in quantities of thousands. I just want maybe two or four of them. Price point ideally around $5-$8/battery. And I may be able to get one with a little bit more capacity because there s a bit of extra space where it is stored. Thanks for any help!!

(post is archived)

[–] 1 pt 2mo

Found it. It's $1 here. You might be able to find it by image on Ali-Express (for international shipping). aliexpress.com

[–] 1 pt 2mo

Seems this is the only answer. Unicorn batteries. Thank you.

[–] 1 pt 2mo (edited 2mo)

Make sure to check out the dimensions, because though newer ones can have an improved capacity (from 10s to 100s mAh) while remaining identical in size, which is good because it will increase the operating time, they sometimes differ slightly in size (a few mm)

[–] 1 pt 2mo
[–] 0 pt 2mo

Hmm, that should have been a relatively easy battery to find, but oddly there seems to be a hole in the internet that swallowed them up. The best I could find for by the piece quantities for this cell was on Aliexpress. I'm really surprised that eBay didn't have any since they seem to have every other battery known to man. I've never dealt with this form factor for Li-ion cells but it seems I probably never will as they are rare unicorns outside of manufacturing suppliers. Anyway, you probably ran across this already but if you haven't, here's the Aliexpress listing for it. https://www.aliexpress.com/i/3256803636872130.html?gatewayAdapt=4itemAdapt

[–] 1 pt 2mo

Hey thanks! I suppose I can wait a month or two. And yeah, not finding it on eBay was a shocker to me as well.

The product are in are the ONN brand neckband earbuds. The most comfortable I’ve ever used in the neckband variety. Good sound and durable as I wore them all the time. The batteries stopped holding a good charge faster than I thought. I caught them on clearance for like $7. They changed the design now which is lame.
