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[–] [deleted] 3 pts last month (edited last month)

I heard the other day that the actor and pm Trudeau was about to step down very soon. Congrats leafs. Oh shit my dyslexia thought it said Canadians instead of comedians lul oh well fuck all ya'all.

[–] 1 pt last month (edited last month)

Jim Breuer did not comply. He named names with hilarious impunity. In a recall of the 80's Bill Cosby/ Eddie Murphy "Filth flarin' flari'n filth...You can't say fuck in front of people!" phone call, Bill Burr called Breuer during the plandemic and proceeded to attempt a chastisement of Breuer calling out the jabbie masked and socially distanced foul fuckery afoot. Jim, like Ed before him, told Bill to go fuck himself.

[–] 0 pt last month

oh so they did it for money, OOOOHHHH well then that makes it ok.... actually that just makes it worse.

[–] 0 pt last month

What? Are they hoping people didn't know this and now they're claiming that they were victims in this?