Impressive work for a cat.
Very nice work. The cat must be exhuasted.
Mittens approves :)
I have about a half dozen old school afghans knit by my beloved deceased grandmother back in the 1960s and 1970s. All were made from hand knit squares when she was in her 70s and early 80s. She knit mine for my college dorm room but the only time I took it out of the box was the Christmas she gave it to me. It was too nice to display in my dorm room. The other afghans were made for my folks and my aunts, all passed away now. They too kept them in the box, too beautiful to put out and let get worn. I'll probably end up selling them someday. They are still too nice to put on the sofa - I have pets. I always think of the hours of labor and love she put into them. I still remember her sitting in her rocking chair with her knitting bag at her feet working away at them.
Great work!
Nice. Does anyone know why they're called afghans? When I read the post title I thought you had finally put your jihadi prisoner down.
Very nice!