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[–] 12 pts 3y

So why would one need a vaccine from a disease that can't really harm you, Chris?

Good riddance. Fuck him.

[–] 3 pts 3y

These are funny as fuck in a messed up way.

[–] 2 pts 3y

There is no way to determine the rate of "vaccine" (medical device) injuries, VARES isn't reliable. Also I wouldn't say I am afraid, I would say I am smart enough not to trust Gates and Big Pharma to put something into my blood stream when they have absolutely zero liability.

[–] 1 pt 3y

The IceAgeNow website guy just died too, from an extreme Rheumatoid Arthritis flare up, just two or three weeks after the jab, (immune system gone haywire.) That's an extremely extremely painful way to go.

[–] 1 pt 3y

soy blob drooped into a puddle of goo. who cares, he was already brain dead.

[–] 0 pt 3y

These are great. Keep them coming! (Even though you are an absolute faggot)

[–] 0 pt 3y

mostly because downvotes aren't a thing here, I never know if these are ever actually real.


[–] 0 pt 3y

mostly because downvotes aren't a thing here, I never know if these are ever actually real.

If you base your judgment on how many downvotes a post gets, you have a bigger problem.

When something gets debunked with evidences and someone reports it to admins, we always stick the relevant comment and flair the post accordingly.

[–] 1 pt 3y (edited 3y)

lol. didn't realize that you were the op.

IMHO, it's an easy stereotype to guage wheathet to dive into the comments and see why people have a problem with it. or if I'm clear to repost.. sometimes things make sense to me, bit others catch the mistruth.

if I am expected to report things that I believe are false to you and then have you decide for other people whether it's false or not... that's far worse in my mind than allowing the community to weigh in when there's something wrong. I'm the end, we all know there is disinformation and (((ffifth columns))) on this site, and it can be hard to tell at first glance sometimes.

but, it's your blood sweat and tears that make this site possible, so my opinion shouldn't really matter much, to be completely honest.

have a good one, and, thanks for all that you do to make this place possible.

[–] 0 pt 3y

if I am expected to report things that I believe are false to you and then have you decide for other people whether it's false or not... that's far worse in my mind than allowing the community to weigh in when there's something wrong.

Who said reports should be privately sent to admins?

When something gets debunked with evidences and someone reports "it" (the debunking) to admins.

That's why I mentioned that we will stick the comment presenting evidences (and flair it accordingly) and let users discuss about it.

have a good one, and, thanks for all that you do to make this place possible.


[–] 0 pt 3y

0.00009% chance within the first few months on the first dose or 2, with all this fear porn about new strains there wont just be 2 or 3.

[–] 2 pts 3y


Pretty sure this number is fake

A couple of days ago a friend of mine lost his mother. She died 24h after her second pfizer shot. She died of... You guessed it! A blood clot.

Medics assured my friend it had nothing to do with the vaccine shot when my friend asked if that could be related. Must be a coincidence, right?


[–] 0 pt 3y

Medics don't know shit.

[–] 0 pt 3y

On this one it's clear. They haven't even searched for anything and they told him there's nothing there trust us!

Fucking NPCs

[–] 0 pt 3y

He looked like a faggot, might have died of AIDS

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