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[–] 2 pts 29d

Part of me wants to say, "bye!" The other part of me says, "Fuck no. That's prime real estate. You don't just get to take it and leave."

Then I think back to what I would have said to the Confederacy, and I'm back to, "Good luck on your own, California. We'll take our military bases and hardware now."

[–] 1 pt 28d

Might as well throw in Washington and half of Oregon too. One day they're going to cost Trillions after the Cascadia quake.

[–] 1 pt 28d

I don't want to be stuck here! Don't do that to me!

Lots of decent farm country here in Washington, too. Being ruined by commies, city slickers and non-Whites, sure, but it's still here! As usual, you can blame the cities for our troubles. And California, because California is like a thermometer for Evil. The Eviler and more Communistic California is, the higher the red stuff rises along the west coast.

[–] 0 pt 28d

I know how you feel, sad times.

[–] 1 pt 29d

In 2017 they started the Calexit when Trump first arrived.

[–] 0 pt 29d

I say we just continue the wall up california and washington state.