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[–] [deleted] 6 pts 2y

Anyone who thinks ultra-rich and very-rich people with their hordes of lawyers are going to pay much of anything in taxes are delusional.

[–] 1 pt 2y (edited 2y)

By government tax standards, the ultra rich in California is anyone making over $20/hour.

If you have more than a 5 million dollar house and have a D next to your name, you are exempt.

[–] 1 pt 2y

Exactly. These laws are designed to target common people who make a good living but certainly not billionaires.

[–] 0 pt 2y

Well they lowered it down to 50 million so give i inflation 10 more years.

[–] 5 pts 2y

Advocates argue that the money could boost funding for schools, housing and other social programs. Perhaps more importantly, however, Lee hopes it could help address California’s massive $22.5 billion budget deficit.

LOL. This Lee person should be doing standup or porn. Budget deficits are caused by OVERSPENDING.

[–] 1 pt 2y

Budget deficits are caused by OVERSPENDING.

I thought it caused by global warming and not taxing people enough.

[–] 2 pts 2y

For about three seconds I entertained that idea but then I remembered 8th grade math and reality came back.

[–] 0 pt 2y

You clearly need to be re-educated.(torontosun.com)

[–] 3 pts 2y (edited 2y)

I knew this would eventually happen: they'll start taxing your assets and not only your income. This shit needs to stop. This is what you get when criminals run your government.

Of course, at first they tax only the very wealthy so most people don't care because they're not rich. Later, the definition of wealthy includes more and more citizens until they utterly destroy society.

[–] 3 pts 2y

Yeah. Remember when this was called Marxism-Leninism ? It was actually considered evil and had no place in the ‘civilized’ world. Now we elect these commies by the thousands.

[–] 3 pts 2y

All you people fleeing these high tax states, don't come to Texas you plan to keep voting Democrat...

[–] 2 pts 2y

“after you flee the state”

Bahahaha.. what are they going to do, send the faggot brigade to accost you in another state?

[–] 0 pt 2y

They'll barrage you with tax bills.

[–] 2 pts 2y (edited 2y)

From a CA state court.. so fucking what?

“We have a letter that says you owe us money”

Ok, and?

Good luck enforcing it, faggots.

I just wrote a letter that says the state of CA owes me 6 gorillion dollars..and it’s no less legitimate than their kangaroo court system..

[–] [deleted] 2 pts 2y

Extend middle finger and don't look back. Just go somewhere that will not allow them to fuck with you.

[–] 2 pts 2y

I don't understand how that can work, if you are out of jurisdiction, in a lawful country, they can't touch you.

Of course, I just answered my own question.

[–] 1 pt 2y

It's pretty easy. Just think about all that happened the last few years. The police, politicians, medical clinicians, news, WEF, UN, CDC, WHO. It's hard not to see it unless you don't look.

[–] 1 pt 2y

Sorry /s

Guess I should have put that in due to the sheer number of idiots these days that would be serious about my comment.

[–] 2 pts 2y

But when you invest money you don't have it. It's owed to you but it's not yours. Imagine paying 1% on money you loaned to a guy, who then defaults after 10 years. And if I financed the capital, I take it I subtract my loan? So being the borrower is good in this case. But who would lend? And owned capital capitalizes slower. That 10% stock market return is driven by lending. If you own and operate the machine it's between 2% and 5%, and only ever gets higher with leverage. So that 1.5% tax is really a 50% tax on the generated income.

[–] 0 pt 2y

You're preaching to the choir here. And just like vaxidents, people have been conditioned to accept the fake narrative, not reality. I talk to my friends and family about our fake and gay financial system constantly. I try really hard to dumb it down and their eyes glaze over almost every time OR they argue with me I'm full of shit. Cognitive dissonance is very powerful.

[–] 1 pt 2y

Everyone is actually retarded. Its a sad truth.

[–] 1 pt 2y

>"The rich escaped our taxes again" >This new tax should take care of it and bring billions of new revenue, impacting the working class very little. >Whoops, the tax is impacting the working class as designed. >Don't care, still got billions of revenue >We still have a revenue short fall due to new "unplanned" spending, and we need another tax because [start at the top]

[–] 0 pt 2y

They never have a spending problem but a revenue problem.

[–] 1 pt 2y

They are late to the party, the feds have been doing this to us expats for over a decade. Look up FATCA.

[–] 0 pt 2y

Sorry about that. This sends a clear message to me.

[–] 1 pt 2y

It sent a clear message to me since it is blatantly un-Constitutional:

nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.

It violates the equal protection clause by making "expats" a separate class of citizens which have to comply with wildly different regulations. FFS, just to file under FATCA requires an accountant who specializes in International Law and costs over $1500.

[–] 1 pt 2y

The criminals don't care anything about any constitution.

[–] 0 pt 2y

the government sets the accountants prices?

[–] 1 pt 2y

To enforce communism they first would have to disarm the citizen. I imagine they will 'soon' even try that in Cal. LMAO.

[–] 1 pt 2y

I laugh when people flee commiefornia and go to red states. The locals get really annoyed and basically tell them to leave before they fuck up their state.

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