Colorado voters reintroduced a vicious predator that is protected by federal and state laws due to being endangered. Western Colorado ranchers now have to fight these predators off with non-lethal hazing, which is, as you’d expect, not terribly effective. This law would allow ranchers to kill wolves who are preying on livestock and working dogs as they currently do with coyotes.
Leave it to the dims to bring in a lethal predator and tie the hands of those whose livelihoods rely on raising livestock, which wolves view as easy prey. They’re slower than deer and elk and they’re confined by fences that the wolves can breach. Many ranch dogs have been killed by wolves, and a few pets as well. This is just a terrible idea, and the voters who voted for this law are completely unaffected by it, they live on the front range (east of Rocky Mtns) and all wolves were dropped in the western half of the state, where those uneducated ranchers live (who feed us all and aren’t stupid like the overeducated front rangers believe).
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