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Listen up CO people. They are trying to steal your TABOR refunds YET AGAIN. Make sure every single person you know is aware of this bullshit. They will never stop. They feel entitled to your LABOR and think you are too stupid to notice what they are doing. Make them. PAY.

I am so fucking done with Commierado. I can not wait to go somewhere without this bullshit.

"Click the box or we will steal more from you". Fuck You.

Archive: https://archive.today/BjXb5

From the post:

>Monday marked the first day the IRS can start accepting and processing your tax return. Colorado filers need to keep an eye out for one key step in the process to make sure they get all the money they are eligible for back in their wallets. Coloradans are set to get TABOR refunds after they file their taxes this year, but the state is reminding residents that they have to opt in. The Colorado Department of Revenue is hoping to help taxpayers make sure they get as much money back as they can when they file their taxes this year. “Unfortunately, if you didn’t check that box for your taxes you filed in 2024 for tax year 2023, you did miss out on your tabor refund,” said Elisabeth Kosar, Communications Director for the Colorado Department of Revenue. “TABOR is something you need to opt into so please, please check that box or again have whoever is preparing your taxes check that box.”

Listen up CO people. They are trying to steal your TABOR refunds YET AGAIN. Make sure every single person you know is aware of this bullshit. They will never stop. They feel entitled to your LABOR and think you are too stupid to notice what they are doing. Make them. PAY. I am so fucking done with Commierado. I can not wait to go somewhere without this bullshit. "Click the box or we will steal more from you". Fuck You. Archive: https://archive.today/BjXb5 From the post: >>Monday marked the first day the IRS can start accepting and processing your tax return. Colorado filers need to keep an eye out for one key step in the process to make sure they get all the money they are eligible for back in their wallets. Coloradans are set to get TABOR refunds after they file their taxes this year, but the state is reminding residents that they have to opt in. The Colorado Department of Revenue is hoping to help taxpayers make sure they get as much money back as they can when they file their taxes this year. “Unfortunately, if you didn’t check that box for your taxes you filed in 2024 for tax year 2023, you did miss out on your tabor refund,” said Elisabeth Kosar, Communications Director for the Colorado Department of Revenue. “TABOR is something you need to opt into so please, please check that box or again have whoever is preparing your taxes check that box.”

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