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Went to go get a hot chocolate at what i thought was supposed to be a based store. They told me that unless i wear a mask, i couldnt get served. I left, told them good day and didnt order anything. This one customer just gave me this glaring look, as if to say its just a mask man. Its not the mask, its about compliance. Its about me having the CHOICE to shop and put my business to use in places that respect me. You are free to do or say whatever you want as a business, and i am free to not shop there. But of course, liberals would love nothing more than the ability to capital execute anyone not complying with their stupid edicts. They seethe with rage at people who use their free will to not abide to completely idiotic, stupid rules made on the spot

Went to go get a hot chocolate at what i thought was supposed to be a based store. They told me that unless i wear a mask, i couldnt get served. I left, told them good day and didnt order anything. This one customer just gave me this glaring look, as if to say its just a mask man. Its not the mask, its about compliance. Its about me having the CHOICE to shop and put my business to use in places that respect me. You are free to do or say whatever you want as a business, and i am free to not shop there. But of course, liberals would love nothing more than the ability to capital execute anyone not complying with their stupid edicts. They seethe with rage at people who use their free will to not abide to completely idiotic, stupid rules made on the spot

(post is archived)

[–] [deleted] 11 pts 3y

Something similar happened to me but I pissed on the counter.

[–] 1 pt 3y

I was at a store had to take a wiz, got to the restroom area, and there's a sign outside them, closed due to covid. I almost pissed on the sign, wish I did.

[–] 0 pt 3y (edited 3y)

No need to piss.

There is a way to remain and enter any private store and avoid wearing a mask legally in all US states...

To really think and be free, just use the law on YOUR side!

Get an "internet" doctors note for under 80 dollars!

Remember, a Doctor's note does not have to mention the medical issue creating your exemption from an activity. It is not revealing your medical info.

Use the cheap doctors that diagnose need of "Therapy animals", a huge internet business pet owners exploit.

Get a doctors note you carry to sue with if ever needed, and to allow sicking US Government on anyone that denies you service or any Police departments that detain you!

Yes, you especially can sue police too (the entire point of the note), via "Civil Rights" lawsuit under the "ADA"


It does not, and need, not reveal the underlying condition.

Use it in civil court later. Provide it to Fed gov if desired for HIPAA enforcement and ADA enforcement.

The point of a lawsuit threat, is to spread freedom. They are only 50 to 80 dollars to get from willing Internet Doctors.

No one need be sued if they let people be and not force them to wear masks.

The most patriotic thing a patriot can do is promote patriotism and freedom from leftist states oppression and control via mask "emergency orders"


If hoping to sue multiple businesses and police departments using "Civil Rights Lawsuits", where you and lawyers get the winning awards... you need a Doctor's note (LHCP licensed healthcare professional), and the LHCP if attacked by defense in a suit, may have to submit to another doctor a COPY OF YOUR VIDEO CHAT INTERVIEW used for the diagnosis and letter. Your saved video recorded words will be used between court "experts".

This means you need to re-word and rework this section and not read it literally verbatim, or as a bad actor :

“Whenever I try to wear a face mask, I think I get a PANIC ATTACK , and I can barely finish getting groceries, and I go home feeling horrible for not being able to shop at all for food. I can’t get anyone else to do the shopping for me. I shake, feel disorientated, get nausea and am afraid I might vomit in the mask, my heart races or feels weird, I feel I can’t breathe, my mouth is dry, then when I get back to the car I am sweaty and feel dizzy! I don’t even bother trying to go back inside the store, I just feel horrible, and eventually drive back home. I feel better about 5 minutes after taking off the mask. I hate that mask. I cant wear it. Its not fair. I need a doctors note or something !”

Rewrite that.

Reword it, or else you will not win your many lucrative ~ $120,000 civil rights lawsuits, even if the store pays the US feds via ADA a fine to the federal gov, you yourself lose out on suing under civil rights violations, if you do not rework those words. It is flawlessly crafted, but multiple people cannot be caught reciting it verbatim, just add lots of padding sentences and anecdotes between each and every symptom.

If not litigating, and you just want a doctors note, no big deal.


there is NO CAP on a civil rights lawsuit, and NO PERCENTAGE CAP on lawyers fee percent (it can even legally be 100%), the SCOTUS purpose is to allow free and easy lawsuits against Police Departments.

Over 90% of Police eventually agree to a Settlement , a juicy one, when you start a legitimate civil rights lawsuit.

Smaller corporations quickly settle as well.

Either way, you win money , especially if video documented with audio of you claiming you have the doctors note upon you as you get evicted from a store. ham it up. "Why are you belittling me!" "This is unfair" "I am hungry" "I have a note!" "You are breaking the law!" ... and the GOLDEN WORDS .... "I HAVE A DISABILITY!"

Once again it does not need to be by a state licensed Physician. The note under ADA can be from a cheaper LHCP licensed healthcare professional. Licensed health care professionals include

  • physicians
  • psychiatrists
  • psychologists
  • licensed clinical social workers
  • nurses
  • nurse practitioners
  • physician’s assistants
  • and licensed counselors .

All can write you a court-valid legal "LHCP licensed healthcare professional note".

The note need not ever, and won't, list the underlying medical reason.

If you are a good actor... you can make $ MILLIONS suing multiple grocery stores!

In San Francisco , a single person in a Wheelchair sued countless bars out of business for having improper toilet door dimensions, and then went from town to town and even then Nevada. MILLIONS , and did so by having a lawyer partner with him, and having the cripple in wheelchair buy one drink , then start to complain loudly about toilet facilities. That cripple and his jew lawyer forced large, famous massive restaurants to close in san francisco that had a second floor for patrons, like "Max's Opera Cafe [ORIGINAL not the new stores]". In california it is illegal to REMIND cripples that some able people can climb stairs to a special extra floor.

You do not have to sue, but the real actual true threat of being able to sue, will keep these leftists idiots in line. Money talks.

Use the law on YOUR side

Cheap real DOCTOR's NOTE!

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[–] 3 pts 3y

No man, that's playing at their game. Eventually they move the goal post, like you need to update your note every 90 days or some shit. It never ends, don't play their games at all and stand up for your right to breathe freely.

[–] 2 pts 3y

Why pretend to comply?

[–] 0 pt 3y

lawsuit fun if they dare kick you out! big-time money payouts.

[–] 8 pts 3y

My county reimplemented the mandate.. I went into the store anyway; I know the Turkish cashier hates wearing it himself - I put my drink on the counter and said, "don't tell the Jews at the county I'm mask-less." He thought it was funny.

[–] 5 pts 3y

Too crazy here to pull that if you don’t leave you get hauled away and given the jab for your own protection while awaiting bail.

Bar and restaurant rules are dumb as fuck.

You have to wear a mask when you enter, you can sit down with nothing in front of you and remove it. If you stand up you have to put it on WTF.

I had one lady claim she understood the reasoning, then I bombarded her with questions. There’s no air filtration so why does it matter, why can I take it off to sit(she claimed you had to have food or drink, the waitress corrected her) she said it makes sense if your walking around, but it’s all the same air. Then she got flustered and semi agreed.

Then she started on vaccines, nope, we don’t have them. Her and her husband do but not their grown children.

Her husband doesn’t go out anymore because he has copd, then why are you out, she says she plays the lottery machines and has a few beers every night and yet you haven’t taken it home to him, how deadly is this virus.

Then she claims she had covid in March 2020, worst cold she ever had but they wouldn’t test her, because day one was only a cough, day two was only a stuffy nose and day three was a fever and day four she was better. And you got a shot even though you thought you had covid?

And that’s the worst cold you’ve ever had, 3 days, a cough, a stuffy nose then finally a fever. This covid virus sounds real deadly.

Fucking three days, I’ve had flus when I was younger that lasted weeks and still had to go to work.

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[–] 0 pt 3y

I tend to believe covid is real. Just because they hide it's origins and schemematics doesn't prove it fake. Most of my town got it on Feb 2020 before anyone was told what to think of it. We all took a day or three off work. A handful of seniors died about half a year later of what used to be called 'natural causes' but was then vehemently labeled "the pandemic".
It's a modified coron-a-virus, a fast mutating particle that our species has co-evolved with for millenia.
Influenza is a part of nature that controls population levels by selecting the weak for removal. If you are a sinner that pollutes your body knowingly for short term effects, make your peace with God, support the freedom of the healthy and let humanity evolve to deal with this.

[–] [deleted] 4 pts 3y

Glad to hear it. Where I live I have never seen this bullshit and most go without masks. The really retarded looking and orca fat fucks love the masks along with some clearly ancient hippy assholes but the rest of the people here don't wear one with the exception of store workers. Fuck this Clown World shit, I am so sick of it I really want to see ALL those who got the DNA mod shot die. The science says there will be mass death from the blood clotting, vascular system inflammation, and Antibody Dependent Enhancement. The auto immune disorders and destroyed immune systems won't kill as well as those causes but won't be pleasant.

I fail to see how that would be a bad thing with the way they are acting and it sure does look like it's already happening and being hidden as expected by the authorities and media......

[–] 4 pts 3y

The really retarded looking and orca fat fucks love the masks

I HAVE to relate this story since you brought it up. I do Door Dash and Uber Eats on the side here on Long Island. Went into a chink joint to pickup an order last week and a self propelled stomach is standing there waiting for an order of chink food he CLEARLY doesn't need and he's wearing TWO masks to my none. Of COURSE he shuffles away from me. Then tired of waiting for his slop like the pig that he is he goes outside to feed his OTHER addiction nicotine. All I could do was shake my head and laugh. terrified like a 5 year old of the boogeyman that hides under his bed and is just about as real yet will overeat till he looks like a parade float AND smoke and THAT doesn't worry him. The unadulterated amount of STUPID on display in NY is STAGGERING.

[–] 3 pts 3y (edited 3y)

I wonder if that dude would suck your dick, it's just a blowjob.

[–] 1 pt 3y

It's just skin man, what's the big deal.

[–] 1 pt 3y

I promise I will use that next week.

[–] 2 pts 3y

I have had to do that at quite a few places now. many stores had someone standing as a greeter, as soon as they say something I just turn around and leave.

go back a week or two later, and I guess a few other people did the same... suddenly greeters are gone and nothing is enforced. 80% or 90% of other people will still wear the masks, but no enforcement when they see money walking out the door.

Show you have integrity on the masks, and the jab with employers. money counts/talks.

[–] 1 pt 3y

I always say, "are you really not going to serve me because I have a disability preventing me from wearing a mask" after I pull my phone out and start recording

[–] 1 pt 3y

You went out to a store to get hot chocolate? Now we know your sane and reasonable.

It's about compliance, and we need to show them you're not complying. Consider smirking at the liberals who gives you the stink eye.

[–] [deleted] 1 pt 3y

Soft cunt goes for a fatty beverage. Le based capitalist establishment... with 300 locations. 'Good day to you then sir, I will not frequent your establishment'. Mongrol all, 'whatever man'. Our society has been reduced to THIS...

-This one customer just gave me this glaring look, as if to say

The proper response is to loudly say, THE FUCK YOU WANT CUNT? Or at least that's what I do. 99% silently look away. The one cunt who stands up, sits right back down once you step forward. One time I had to push the fucker back down on his seat and that was it. He got it. I can go from 0 to jail fast as anyone. FAST AF BOI hahaha.

Oh it's the sheep who're, 'seething with rage'... I'm a cunt hair away from stabbing EVERYONE in the place. Like I NEED it to kick off ASAPish or am going to prison for a very long time. I don't recommend you be like me. So wear the fucking mask cocksucker and enjoy your tasty overpriced beverage.

[–] [deleted] 1 pt 3y

I had to stop going into our bank. I went in for a simple transaction and the bitch says I need a mask? "No. I need you to complete my transaction. Are you my doctor? I'm so sick to death of this mask shit!" I left to use the ATM instead. Funny, my spouse walked in with his Veteran's hat on and they said NOTHING. WTF??

[–] 0 pt 3y

That's nothing. I killed a man once for even thinking to say something to me while raping his wife. I can go 0 to global extinction faster than a jogger that just stole a tv. FAST AF FEMBOI hahahaha.

Fact is you're a keyboard warrior writing incoherent dribble. You won't do shit nor have you done shit. If OP's story is true he did more than you have. If you had done what you said you did you would have had Chris Cuomo or Fauci railing against you on prime time television; trying to make an example out of you.

Keep practicing your larping fictional writing skills.

[–] 0 pt 3y

I did this the other day with a shopping line. Went to check out and it was all the way down one isle, if they don't respect their customers enough to have more than on cashier open why are you shopping there? I put my few items on the nearby shelf and left getting mean scowls from the sheep as they stood in line compliantly.

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