Most sluts have been with at least one black guy. Sluts are easy. That’s why you fuck’em in the first place. But that’s not what you ought to be worrying about. Don’t travel alone at night. Avoid low-income areas and prison showers.
Most sluts have been with at least one black guy. Sluts are easy. That’s why you fuck’em in the first place. But that’s not what you ought to be worrying about. Don’t travel alone at night. Avoid low-income areas and prison showers.
The only thing I worry about is running out of retorts for faguettes like you.
The only thing I worry about is running out of retorts for faguettes like you.
I’m a faggot for trying to save your life? That’s gratitude in the twenty-first century.
I’m a faggot for trying to save your life? That’s gratitude in the twenty-first century.
You remind me of some guy I used to work with. Was always talking about male-on-male rape and prison showers and shit. He'd get mad when someone said quit being a faggot and you won't have to worry about that.
Quit being a faggot.
You remind me of some guy I used to work with. Was always talking about male-on-male rape and prison showers and shit. He'd get mad when someone said quit being a faggot and you won't have to worry about that.
Quit being a faggot.
(post is archived)