I'm a Soviet.
My curse is seeing America repeat the EXACT same mistakes as the former USSR. Living through it and having no ability to stop it.
America will experience the following:
A. Racial balcanization
- It may start politically; with red states vs blue states and will eventually will end with white vs everyone else
B. Shortages
I wiped my ass with newspapers in 1997 because we didn't have toilet paper. My grandmother continued this practice into the 2000's because she began to hoard toilet paper and never use it due to trauma.
My mother sold soap in Moscow as a summer job to make some extra money.
Neighbors reported neighbors to police, when new(ish) cars appeared parked in the drive ways.
C. Police stop doing their jobs because of politics.
- My mother was robbed in broad daylight in 1998 with the police 20 feet away. She bribed the cop to get her purse back because she had American (crypto) money in her purse.
We are already in a Civil War, the only reason why the Soviet Union didn't turn bloody is because the Cops were still Russian. Can we say the same for American cops? The Russian cops didn't want to kill Russians. American cops are racist scum of the earth because they are HB1 hires.
If you don't think America has NOT had the biggest foreign invasion in history, you are a moron. 1 out of 3 """Americans"""" are foreigners. It's the biggest invasion in human history. America WILL become a HOT Civil War and the right wing will lose, because they never take a stand. They did not take a stand in the Soviet Union and they will not defend themselves here. We know this because 50% of the "right" are already vaxxxed. You people do NOT have principles.
(post is archived)