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When I was 12 my school handed out small Gideon Bibles that had a daily reading schedule, so that over the course of two years, you'd have read the whole NT. I read it twice. Got nothing from it. Fast forward 40 years, and the knocks and scrapes of life, and here I am - thoroughly disillusioned with the world (boo-hoo, woe is me lol).

So I bought a leather bound KJV red letter edition (Jesus's words are printed in red) and I am reading Matthew then will read Mark, Luke and John. With what I have learned through living, the Word is beginning to make sense. My impression is that Jesus is no softy - he rebukes and remonstrates, criticises and condemns, but at last I am starting to see the light of Christ.

It seems to me that by taking my fill of what this world has to offer - and being sickened with it and finally pouring it away - my cup is empty and ready to be filled with the love of the living Christ. At 12 I was not receptive. My mind was occupied with worldly things. At 52 I stand ready to reject this devilish world and surrender. Well, almost. It's not easy but I'm making a start.

When I was 12 my school handed out small Gideon Bibles that had a daily reading schedule, so that over the course of two years, you'd have read the whole NT. I read it twice. Got nothing from it. Fast forward 40 years, and the knocks and scrapes of life, and here I am - thoroughly disillusioned with the world (boo-hoo, woe is me lol). So I bought a leather bound KJV red letter edition (Jesus's words are printed in red) and I am reading Matthew then will read Mark, Luke and John. With what I have learned through living, the Word is beginning to make sense. My impression is that Jesus is no softy - he rebukes and remonstrates, criticises and condemns, but at last I am starting to see the light of Christ. It seems to me that by taking my fill of what this world has to offer - and being sickened with it and finally pouring it away - my cup is empty and ready to be filled with the love of the living Christ. At 12 I was not receptive. My mind was occupied with worldly things. At 52 I stand ready to reject this devilish world and surrender. Well, almost. It's not easy but I'm making a start.

(post is archived)

[–] 4 pts

A friend recently gave his life to Jesus Christ, about 5-6 months ago, and had never read the Bible. He started with the NT first. He really enjoyed all of it. When he got to the OT (working through it now) he’s had a lot more struggle getting through it. We discuss it every week because the OT and NT showcase the totality of God’s character and complete understanding of His will. There are very difficult portions, and a lot of seemingly insignificant details; but they matter. The family lines are significant to understanding which remained righteous and which mixed with wickedness, as well as leading the righteous line all the way to Mary so she could birth our messiah.

Take it seriously, read diligently, and decide if/when you’re ready to kill off the old you. When that day comes, then you can find a river and baptize in the manner discussed in Matthew 3:13-16. You don’t need a church or anything fancy. It’s a public declaration of faith, so preferably there will be a couple witnesses. Just walk in, say a few words, and fully submerge yourself.

[–] 1 pt

Just like Philip and the Ethiopian Eunuch. See, here is water. What doth hender me from being baptized?.... And they both went down into the water, both Philip and the eunuch. And he baptized him in the name of the Father and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.