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Chinks have the highest IQ

Nope. They're sub 90.

>Chinks have the highest IQ Nope. They're sub 90.

(post is archived)

[–] [deleted] 2 pts 3y

The Chinese are the ultimate cargo cultists.

Even if you were to find something produced in China that works, you'd go to the factory and there's going to be a White person somewhere barking orders.

There's literally a job for this. It's called "White Monkey". It's where a company that manufactures something in China hires a white person. ANY WHITE PERSON. IT DOESN'T MATTER THE EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND to be at the factory.

[–] 0 pt 3y

As someone who owns a manufacturing business, I source machines from both China and the West. Western machines are works of art. Every peice has been designed and made for a specific purpose. You get a detailed manual with troubleshoting tips and service and repair options. The Chinese equivalents are usually Frankenstein machines put together from parts from who knows how many sources. Never usually have a manual and it is next to usless if it does. No support or repair, so if it breaks or doesn't work, good luck fixing it. However, Chinese machines cost 10 times less, and usually get the job done. Sometimes thats all you need. If it breaks, you can buy 10 more.

[–] [deleted] 0 pt 3y

China is a paper tiger that's watching and taking notes from the infrastructural, economical and social catastrophe yids have inflicted upon Western civilization. They are learning from jews on how to manipulate Whites and they frequently talk about how jews control the United States. It's no surprise Israel and China have a steady allegiance.

But thankfully, China is still a retarded paper tiger.

[–] 0 pt 3y (edited 3y)

We used to track their nuclear submarines by the radiation they gave off and reports of the crews getting sick..lol.

The Russians were at least good about hiding how much of their shit couldn't operate worth a fuck. We had to actually be clandestine about finding it out.

[–] -1 pt 3y

The brown noise is real?